Wednesday, May 17, 2023

May 21, 2023 ECWSA Minutes


 Evans City Water and Sewer Authority Meeting

June 21, 2023


Call to order: The meeting was called to order by Ed Tanski at 6:01 p.m.

·         Members present; Ed Tanski, Vito Pilosi, III, Gary Nicklas, Bob Dugan

·         Others present: Chris Reese, Esq., Mark Smith, HRG, Laura Kamienski, Martin Fabian, and Hunter Hoffman


Public Session:  This meeting was open to the public.

·         Cherie Deener, Borough Council

§  Ball Field water line damage.

§  Shut off policies and procedures.

§  Rules & Regulations / Remove water and sewer from Borough Codes.

§  ECWSA Board Member rotations/terms.



Review of minutes from May17, 2023


Motion by Vito Pilosi, III to approve May 1, 2023, minutes a presented.  

Seconded by Bob Dugan. Unanimously approved.


Chairman’s Report:  Ed Tanski – No report


Committees: No reports.


Budget Report & Accounts Payable:


·         Budget Report

§  Reviewed and presented by Ed Tanski

§  Maintenance Trailer – bring up next meeting for budgeting.


Motion by Bob Dugan to approve budget report as presented.

Seconded by Joe Weltner. Unanimously approved.

·         Transfers

§  Transfers proposed by Ed Tanski as follows.

§  $2500.00 from ECWSA Checking to Water Savings

§  $2500.00 from ECWSA Checking to Waterline Replacement Savings

§  $2500.00 from ECWSA Checking to Sewer Savings

§  $2500.00 from ECWSA Checking to Callery Savings

§  $570.00 from ECWSA Checking to Out of Boro Savings

§  $45000.00 from Enetpay to ECWSA Checking.

§  $9000.00 from ECWSA Checking to MECR Pennvest


Motion by Bob Dugan to approve transfers as amended.

Seconded by Joe Weltner. Unanimously approved.

§  Accounts Payable

§  Review accounts payable.


Motion by Bob Dugan to approve accounts payable as presented.

Seconded by Joe Weltner. Unanimously approved.


05-17-2023 OFFICE REPORT: Laura Kamienski



There was $614.50 in late charges generated on May 1st, 2023. 87 Delinquent notices were sent on 05-15-2023. 


We billed $178,710.68 EC BORO & $20,485.26 CALLERY BOR0 MARCH 2023 BILLING

TOTAL $199,195.94.

Discussion, Updates & Action Items:

·         CW Howard insurance renewals.


Quickbooks Balance

Print King billing cards quotation

·         The new website is active. Training next week to make in-house updates.

·         Lead & Copper Module will be live soon.

 Operations Report: Marty Fabian


·         21 hydrants flushed 43 remaining.

·         No violations.

·         May Lane water main break

·         Water usage is creeping up/ called for leak detection.

·         Installing Neptune meters as part of video inspections.

·         2 Failures inspections.


Engineering Report: Mark Smith, HRG


·         Consumer Confidence Report due July 1st, 2023. Need URL for bills to announce.

·         WWTP NPDES renewal has been submitted.

·         Byrnes & Kiefer surcharge for q4 - invoice was sent and paid. They have discontinued production.

·         Sewer Rules & Regulations Revisions for Multiple Units

§  Discussion regarding proposed that unit buildings with single meters for only grandfathered meters until any plumbing retrofits, renovations, additions etc. would need to add meters for all units.

§  New proposal to bring all multi units up to current Rules & Regulations within a reasonable time period by end of calendar year 2025.

§  To be reviewed and discussed next meeting.

·         Route 68 Sewer Line Repair and Lining Report.

§  Graziani Construction start the replacement. Discovered 10” pipe instead of 8”.

§  Only had 8” pipe. Reconnected temporarily.

§  Ran into washed out and caved in areas. Slope requirement difficulties.

§  Recommend laying 10” pipe, which requires less slope, from start to manhole at Pioneer Road.

§  Discussion regarding culvert where cave in is responsibility.


Motion by Ed Tanski to approve Route 68 Project revisions and additions as presented.

Seconded by Tim Green. Unanimously approved.

§  Back Flow Prevention summary report.


Solicitors Report: Chris Reese, Esq.

§  Request for executive session


Moved to executive session at 7:40 pm



Motion to adjourn by Bob Dugan. Seconded by Tim Green. Unanimously approved.


The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 p.m.