Wednesday, February 15, 2023

February 15, 2023 ECWSA Minutes


Call to order: The meeting was called to order by Ed Tanski at 6:03 p.m.

·         Members present; Ed Tanski, Joe Weltner, Bob Dugan, Tim Green, and Gary Nicklas

·         Others present: Chris Reese, Esq., Mark Smith, HRG, Laura Kamienski, Marty Fabian, and Hunter Hoffman


Public Session:  This meeting was open to the public.

·         Suzann RJ Volz-regarding rental property


Review of minutes from January 18th &24th, 2023


Motion by Vito Pilosi, III to approve January 18th, 2023, minutes a presented.  

Seconded by Bob Dugan. Unanimously approved.


Chairman’s Report:  Ed Tanski

·         Discussion regarding Callery Borough purchase agreement completion.

·         ECWSA met with Callery Borough Council to review of agreement end and rate study.

·         Callery Borough approved the rate study.


Water Rates & Rate Structure Effective 03-01-2023


·         Water Customer Charge - $7.69

·         Water EDU In Borough - $24.58

·         Water EDU Out of Borough - $32.27

·         Water Volumetric up to 50,000 gallons – $8.24 per 1000 gallons

·         Water Volumetric over 50,000 gallons – $8.65 per 1000 gallons


Sewer Rates & Volumetric Rate Structure Effective 03-01-2023

·         Minimum charge of $88.00 which included 4000 gallons.

·         An additional $22.00 per 1000 gallons over 4000 gallons up to 50,000 gallons.

·         Over 50,0000 gallons $12.50 per 1000 gallons.


Motion by Vito Pilosi, III to approve water and sewer rate increase and sewer rate structure

as presented, effective March 1, 2023. Seconded by Joe Weltner. Unanimously approved.


Committees: No reports.


Budget Report:

·         Discussion regarding miscoded items for correction.


Motion by Vito Pilosi, III to approve the budget report with coding amendments.

Seconded by Tim Green. Unanimously approved.


Accounts Payable:


Motion by Vito Pilosi, III to approve accounts payable as presented.

Seconded by Bob Dugan. Unanimously approved.



Motion by Vito Pilosi, III to approve transfer as amended. Seconded by Bob Dugan. Unanimously approved.


02-15-2023 OFFICE REPORT: Laura Kamienski



There was $536.07 in late charges generated on February 1st, 2023. Delinquent notices will be sent tomorrow.


We billed $163,842.80 EC BORO & $14,616.12 CALLERY BOR0 JANUARY 2023 BILLING

TOTAL $178,458.92

Discussion, Updates & Action Items:

·         Rental Properties

§  There are approximately 130 rental property owners in our customer base.

§  Tenant Update Forms clearly state property owner responsibility.

§  $30.00 account activation fee is applied for each new renter (not on vacancy.)

§  95-100% of these have updated forms on file. Suggest that I send letters to any who aren’t updated.


Operations Report: Martin Fabian


·         Found three hidden manholes on Maple Ave.

·         No violations.

·         Fixed a storm drain with the Borough.


Engineering Report: Mark Smith, HRG


§  Callery Pump Station – Update regarding gas and electricity services, quotations, and progress.

§  Review of CCTV clip of sewer line on Maple needing repair. Discussion regarding excavation quotations.

§  October 16, 2024 is due date for preliminary service line report on service area.


Solicitors Report: Chris Reese, Esq. – No Report


Miscellaneous Business:

·         Discussion regarding financing of Maintenance Trailer.


Motion to adjourn by Vito Pilosi, III. Seconded by Bob Dugan. Unanimously approved.


Meeting adjourned at 6:58 p.m.