Wednesday, May 30, 2018

May 30, 2018 - ECWSA Meeting Minutes

 Evans City Water and Sewer Authority Meeting
May 30, 2018

Call to order: The meeting was called to order by Chairman, Ed Tanski at 6:00 p.m.
·         Members present: Ed Tanski, Vito Pilosi, III, Tim Green, Joe Weltner, and Gary Nicklas,
·         Others present: Chad Hanley and Mark Smith, HRG, Marty Fabian, and Laura Kamienski.

Public Session:  This meeting was open to the public.
·         Richard Kaiser – 225 Park Sewer Tap
ü  In consideration of sewer charges already paid, the tapping fee is agreed by the Authority to have been paid in full and the sewer tapping application is hereby approved.
ü  Mr. Kaiser agreed that he would not seek re-payment of sewer charges paid to date.
ü  Mr. Kaiser to pump out and fill in existing septic tank.

Motion by Vito Pilosi, III to accept sewage payments already paid as payment in full for
new sewer tap in fee. Motion includes approval of new sewer tap application.
Seconded by Joe Weltner. Unanimously approved.

·         Brett Dumhoff – regarding swimming pool and right of way N. Washington.
ü  Residents’ pool will need to be moved a minimum of two feet from water line in right of way.
ü  Authority to split cost of water to refill pool. Customers to submit a sewage credit application.
·         Linda Scheidemantle – regarding sewer tap extension on Margaret Avenue.
ü  Discussion regarding sewer line extension.
·         Lee Bushee, Northwest Bank – Credit Card System
·         Katie Yates, Maher Duessel – Review 2017 ECWSA Audit

Motion by Vito Pilosi, III to approve the 2017 Audit with amendments as noted.
Seconded by Joe Weltner. Unanimously approved.

Review of minutes from April 25th, 2018

Motion by Vito Pilosi, III to approve the April 25, 2018 minutes as presented
Seconded by Joe Weltner. Unanimously approved.

Chairman’s Report: Ed Tanski
·         Discussion regarding purchase of 216 Wahl Avenue.
·         Discussion regarding building appraisal quotations.

Motion by Vito Pilosi, III to approve Northwest Bank to obtain an appraisal in the amount of $2,044.00, to be completed in 26 days. Seconded by Tim Green. Unanimously approved.
·         Discussion regarding sales agreement review and signing.

Motion by Gary Nicklas to approve signing the sales agreement for purchase of 216 Wahl Avenue pending legal review, Seconded by Vito Pilosi, III. Unanimously approved.

·         Rules & Regulations:
§  Water Rules & Regulations pdf was sent out for review.
§  Discussion regarding customer responsibility for costs to run line to the main for tap in.

Motion by Joe Weltner to adopt the Water Rules & Regulations.
Seconded by Vito Pilosi, III. Unanimously approved.

·         Cooperation Committee: No Report

Review Bills and Accounts Payable:

Motion by Joe Weltner to pay bills as presented.
Seconded by Gary Nicklas. Unanimously approved.

Motion by Vito Pilosi, III to approve monthly transfers as presented.
Seconded by Gary Nicklas. Unanimously approved.

May 30th, 2018 Meeting
·         There were $515.66 in late charges generated on May 1st, 2018.
·         We sent out 106 delinquent account notices against the March 2018 billing. Posted 32 door notices on May 22nd. 2 accounts were terminated on May 29th.
WE BILLED $140,198.50 EC BORO & $17,372.89 CALLERY BORO APRIL 2018 BILLING
TOTAL $157,571.39

Action Items:
Discussion Points and Updates

Monthly Transfers review and approval.

New copier has been delayed. It will be here mid-June.

Check Signatures

Do I bill Byrnes & Kiefer for their meter on their regular bill?
Send bill invoice Authority.
Is EDCO reimbursing us for the meter?
Send invoice per Authority.
Approve Bills

Phone system is beyond repair. Alternative solution?

Adams Township Agreement

EC School Pamphlet.

·         Discussion regarding Adams Township Service Termination Agreement.

Motion by Gary Nicklas to adopt the Adams Township – Callery customers Service
Termination Agreement. Seconded by Joe Weltner. Unanimously approved.

Operations Report: Martin Fabian
·         There were no violations.
·         Missed an April sample for water. We are following up.
·         Water main break on North Washington.
·         Mars-Evans City Road now has isolation valves in place. Ready for crossover.
·         Discussion regarding tap in responsibility for costs to main.
·         Byrnes & Keifer will receive their new meter beginning of June. Recalibrated it to 10 gallons.
·         Need title transfer authorization letter to transfer title of trailer.
·         Belsterling Spirk all lines are capped, including the Lippert house.
·         Giving HRG maps to copy for Belsterling / Spirk.
·         Laura to send certified letters to Fritch and Lower with sewer failure violation.
Engineering Report: Mark Smith, HRG
·         Discussion regarding putting field lock gaskets in the lines for the State Road 3015 project. Penn Dot will not cost share. Approximately $600.00 cost to Authority.

Motion by Ed Tanski to approve purchase of (6) shark teeth field lock gaskets as presented.
Seconded by Vito Pilosi, III. Unanimously approved.

·         Discussion regarding valves for the State Road 3015 Project. Recommend to remove buried valves and replace with plugs.
·         HRG sent letter to Byrnes & Kiefer to sample for one year. There has been no response.

Solicitor’s Report: No report.

Miscellaneous Business:

Motion to adjourn by Vito Pilosi, III. Seconded by Tim Green. Unanimously approved.

Meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m.