Wednesday, March 27, 2019

March 27, 2019 ECWSA Meeting Minutes

 Evans City Water and Sewer Authority Meeting
March 27th, 2019

Call to order: The meeting was called to order by Ed Tanski at 6:03 p.m.
·         Members present: Ed Tanski, Joe Weltner, Vito Pilosi, III, Gary Nicklas, Tim Green, and Bob Dugan.
·         Others present: Mark Smith, HRG, Philip Lope, Esq, Lope, Casker & Casker

Public Session:  This meeting was open to the public.
·         Allan Beechey, Sheffler Engineering: Regarding White Oak / Havenwood Village
·         Melissa Linz Plaisted: JMP Benefits
·         Linda Scheidemantle: Regarding Margaret Ave. proposed sewer line extension.

Review of minutes from February 27th, 2019:

Motion by Joe Weltner to approve February 27th,, 2019 minutes as presented.
Seconded by Tim Green. Unanimously approved.

Chairman’s Report:  Ed Tanski – No report.

Committees:  No reports.

Bills / Accounts Payable:
·         Review of monthly bills and monthly transfers.

Motion by Tim Green to approve payment of bills and monthly transfers as presented.
Seconded by Gary Nicklas. Unanimously approved.

Motion by Tim Green to approve monthly transfers as presented.
Seconded by Gary Nicklas. Unanimously approved.

Office Report: Laura Kamienski, Written Submitted

·         There were $482.30 in late charges generated on March 1st, 2019.
·         We sent out 99 delinquent account notices against the January 2019 billing. We posted 27 door notices on 03-26-2019.  Shut offs are scheduled for tomorrow.
WE BILLED $ 145, 259.50 EC BORO & $ 13,162.88 CALLERY BOR0 FEBRUARY 2019 BILLING
TOTAL $ 158,422.38



Action Items:
·         Monthly Transfers review and approval.
·         Check Signatures
·         Malfunctioning Meter Resolution
Discussion Points and Updates
·         April 1st meeting with Mangurten attorney. 10:00 am in our office
·         Sewer line repair application form. Updated form for current owner sewer line replacement or repair. Copy in your packet.
·         Safe Auto October 2018 fire hydrant claim. Please see copy of my email to Ed and Phil in Ed’s folder. 
·         Discussion regarding insurance claim payments and possible relocation of hydrant to avoid future accidents.

Motion by Bob Dugan to adopt resolution number 20190327 dealing with mal-functioning meters. Seconded by Joe Weltner. Unanimously approved.

Motion by Vito Pilosi, III to approve the Water/Sewer Line Repair application as presented.
Seconded by Tim Green. Unanimously approved.

March 27, 2019 Operations Report Marty Fabian, Written Submitted.
·         There were no violations.
·         Completed two dye test / inspections. Both passed.
·         Review quotations included in the packet for mower and locator equipment.
§  Marty to get two or three other quotations for the Sure-Lock Multi-Frequency locator.
·         Quotation on Bad Boy zero turn mower from Turner Tractor.
Motion to approve the purchase of a Schonstedt magnetic locator as quoted.  
Seconded by Gary Nicklas. Unanimously approved.

Motion to approve purchase Bad Boy lawn mower as quoted by Turner Tractor. 
 Seconded by Bob Dugan. Unanimously approved.

Engineering Report: Mark Smith, HRG
·         Completed Chapter 94 and submitted.
·         Completed Consumer Confidence Report and Tier 3 Notification and submitted.
·         Byrnes & Kiefer: has moved to composite sampler. Has had some issues but are now collecting samples. Two hour samples averaged. The results have improved, but they are still high, and we have a more accurate picture.
·         Margaret Avenue: Working on estimates for cost of project.
·         Completed Water Allocation Permit report and submitted.
·         Review of water loss statistics and report.

Miscellaneous Business: Vito Pilosi, III
·         Discussion regarding improvements to the Callery Lift Station. Possibly relocating it to better enable maintenance.
·         Need to begin Callery rate and feasibility study.

Solicitor’s Report: Phillip Lope
·         The transition of taking over Callery Borough included the assignment of all of easements and right of ways. Prepared document

Motion by Vito Pilosi, III to authorize the chairman to execute the assignment of deeds of easement and rights of way with Callery Borough. Seconded by Bob Dugan. Unanimously approved.

·         The lien on 215 Elizabeth Avenue property was not released at the Marshal Sale. Notified the current owners of responsibility of past charges.
·         Discussion regarding Crestwood Drive lateral connections. Maintenance and or repairs are the property owners’ responsibilities.

Meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m. to move to closed session to discuss a personnel matter.

Meeting reconvened at 9:15 p.m.

Motion to adjourn by Vito Pilosi, III. Seconded by Tim Green. Unanimously approved.

Meeting adjourned at 9:16 p.m.