Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Evans City Water and Sewer Authority Meeting
30 October 2013  

1.      Call to order: The meeting was called to order by Chairman Tim Schoffel at 6:07 pm.
·         Members present: Tim Schoeffel, Vito Pilosi, Joe Weltner, Ed Tanski, Cheri Deener,
·         Others present: Dan Dow, HRG, Nadine Grabe, Borough Secretary, Laura Kamienski, Administrative Assistant, Paul Foster, Evans City Borough Council

2.     Minutes: Review of minutes from September 25, 2013.

Motion by Ed Tanski to approve September 25th, 2013 minutes as corrected and amended.
Seconded by Vito Pilosi.  Unanimously approved.

3.     Public Session: This meeting was open to the public.  

4.     Evans City Borough Council Business: Paul Foster
·         Discussion of Borough and Authority shared expenses.
·         Tim Schoeffel to review the agreement terms.
·         Discussion of mistake in electric bill calculations.
·         Discussion of calculation of shared employee wages.

5.     Review Bills & Past Due Accounts: Vito Pilosi
·         Discussion regarding the redistribution of funds, transfers, and bond deposits.

Motion by Ed Tanski to transfer funds for redistribution as proposed.
 Seconded by Cheri Deener. Unanimously approved.  

·         Discussion of Tyler Technologies invoices. Vito suggested holding payment until software is completely updated and functional.
·         Request for monthly accounting reports to be emailed to Authority for review prior to monthly meetings.

Motion by Ed Tanski to approve check register.
 Seconded by Vito Pilosi. Unanimously approved.
6.     Public Hearing regarding Penn-Ohio Electric Bid Withdrawal for the WWTP Project.
·         Stenographer present and recorded the hearing proceedings for public record.

7.     Public Works Report: Norm Nelson
·         6 water meters were replaced in September.
·         Possibilities for more aggressive record keeping of meter replacements and organizing the capital replacement of meters.
·         Discussion pertaining to Sue Parsons meter replacement.
·         Discussion regarding PA One Call billing and census information.
·         Discussion about fire hydrant winterization and obstructions.
·         Discussion regarding shut off notices and buildings with multiple units sharing a water line.
·         Discussion concerning upcoming equipment operation certification classes.

8.     Administrative Report: Laura Kamienski
·         Meter Obstructions Notice and Procedures: Failure to clear meter within 30 days of notice will result in termination of service. Shut off notice for obstructions to be sent via U.S. mail and posted on property door.
·         Landlord/Property Owner Letter: Proposed compliance to property owner responsibility ordinances. Letters to be mailed to property owners outlining water/sewer billing procedures for rental properties to take effect on January 1, 2014.
·         Discussion of minimum billing for vacant homes/apartments.  Tim Schoeffel to research and make proposal for minimum billing.
·         Announcing the ECWSA Facebook page.
·         Resolution No. 2 for new fee structure, approved at last meeting, is ready for signature. Postcard announcement to be mailed mid-November.
·         Service Termination fee is to be applied to customer account on date specified by the notice. Public works department to call office if customer intends to pay at time of shut off, but is not to collect any payments from customers. If payment is not received by 2:30 pm service is to be terminated.

9.     Solicitor’s Report: Philip Lope
·         Discussion of Pennsylvania water rate increase.
·         Signatures needed for Callery complaint.

10. Engineering Report: Dan Dow, HRG
·         Bid opening was on October 16, 2013 for sewer plant pipeline systems.
·         Dan Dow recommends awarding 1308 – General Construction and 1309 – Plumbing Construction to low bidders.
·         Application for first payment on contract 1301.
·         Discussion of payment procedures and bond reimbursement.
·         Signatures for Jackson Township permit applications.

Motion by Ed Tanski to accept low bidders on contracts
1308-general construction and 1309-plumbing construction.
Second by Vito Pilosi. Unanimously accepted.

Motion by Vito Pilosi to release first payment for contract 1301.
Seconded by Ed Tanski. Unanimously approved.

11.  Miscellaneous Business:
·         Given the upcoming WWTP contract invoices, Nadine Grabe requests amendment to fund transfer motion to account for these payments and other bills.
·         Discussion of construction schedule. Tim Schoeffel would like to be able to take photographs of progress.
·         Discussion of liability for workers at construction site. Vito Pilosi suggested that the out of state contractors need to obtain Pennsylvania workers compensation insurance. Dan Dow will review all contractors insurance with Philip Lope.
·         Discussion of access to construction site and controlling possible disturbances.

Motion by Vito Pilosi to transfer $46,442.62 from sewer savings to sewer checking account.  Seconded by Cheri Deener. Unanimously approved.

12. Pennsylvania Rural Water Association (PRWA) Collection Agency Service Agreement: Ed Tanski
·         Ed Tanski has mailed the PRWA debt collection service agreement to the Authority and administrative staff.
·         The Authority will receive payment of the account balance on successful collections.
·         Need an Evans City Borough resolution for the service to collect fees.

Motion by Ed Tanski to accept the PRWA debt collection service agreement contingent on the approval of the Evans City Borough Council passing resolution to collect fees. Seconded by Cheri Deener. Unanimously approved.

13. Bond Investment Possibilities: Tim Schoeffel
·         Discussion of possible short term investments as suggested by Craig Young, Trustee.
·         Dan Dow to advise draw down schedule.
·         Suggestion to invite Craig Young to next Authority meeting to discuss further.

14. Adjourn to Closed Session

Motion by Vito Pilosi to end public meeting and adjourn to a closed session
of the Authority to discuss Penn-Ohio bid withdrawal.
Seconded by Ed Tanski. Unanimously approved.

15.  Resume to Open Session: 8:55pm

Motion by Vito Pilosi to award contract 1310 to Penn Ohio Electric.
Seconded by Cheri Deener. Unanimously approved.

Motion by Vito Pilosi to adjourn. Seconded by Ed Tanski. Unanimously approved.

Meeting adjourned 9:10 pm

Minutes Prepared by Laura Kamienski
Cc Tim Schoeffel, Vito Pilosi, Ed Tankski, Joe Weltner, Cheri Deener,  Nadine Grabe and Philip Lope.