Wednesday, April 30, 2014


Evans City Water and Sewer Authority Meeting
30 April 2014

·         Call to order: The meeting was called to order by Chairman Tim Schoffel at 6:03 pm.
·         Members present: Tim Schoeffel, Vito Pilosi, Ed Tanski, Cheri Deener, Joe Weltner
·         Others present: Philip Lope, Attorney. Dan Dow, HRG.  Laura Kamienski, Administrative Assistant.     

·         Public Session: This meeting was open to the public.  

·         Minutes: Review of minutes from March 26, 2014.

Motion by Ed Tanski to approve March 26, 2014 minutes as presented.
Seconded by Cheri Deener.  Unanimously approved.

·         Borough Council Meeting Report: Tim Schoeffel
·         Discussion with Council regarding moving the Authority office to 216 Wahl Avenue.
·         The Authority and Council will need to review shared expenses.

·         Review Bills & Past Due Accounts
·         Discussion regarding invoice for PA Municipal Authorities Association membership. Authority is reviewing benefits of membership.
·         Discussion regarding Tyler Technologies software status and 2013 audit.

Motion by Vito Pilosi to pay bills as presented.
Seconded by Joe Weltner.  Unanimously approved.

·         Delinquent Accounts
·         Review of delinquent accounts status.
·         Working with each customer on a case by case basis.
·         Notify First States that the burden of debt to fall on tenant first.

·         Billing Structure (see attachment)
·         Discussion of estimation procedure.
·         Discussion regarding meter read dates.
·         Review of proposed billing structure.
·         Discussion about shut off procedures.

Motion by Vito Pilosi to adopt resolution for the
new billing structure as proposed and discussed.
 Seconded by Joe Weltner. Unanimously approved.

·         Newsletter
·         Send with Consumer Confidence Report in June.
·         Include information about new billing structure and fees.
·         Photos of the new sewer plant construction. Tim Schoeffel to write article.
·         2015 rate changes notice.
·         Discussion about size and layout of newsletter.

·         Miscellaneous Business
·         Forward Township
§ Joe Weltner - Review of meeting with HRG.
§ Discussion of available options for construction.
§ Discussion regarding funding for project and time table.
§ HRG to research possible grants for project.
·         BASF
§ There has been no response from BASF since last meeting.
§ Vito Pilosi is following up with them.

·         Website: Laura Kamienski
·         The new website does have some options to add links etc.
·         A sidebar link is now available under Downloads, where customers can access various forms and information.
·         eNETPAY – Need to open a separate account for deposit of customer online payments.
·         The website is already being used even before it was officially announced.

·         Administrative Report: Laura Kamienski
·         Vacant Properties
§ Review vacant rental property policy.
§ All vacant properties will receive a minimum charge billing each month.
§ Discussion of access to information concerning resident move ins and outs.
·         Allegheny Mineral Invoices
§ Norm Nelson to contact Allegheny Mineral to straighten out accounts.
·         New Building
§  Telephone – Laura Kamienski is working with Armstrong to revise the Franchise Agreement to include the new building.
§ Copier - Review of copy machine proposals from Boory’s Business Machines.

Motion by Vito Pilosi to approve 48 month FMV 0 down lease and
service agreement, Canon Advanced imageRunner COLOR C225 copier  
Seconded by Ed Tanski. Unanimously approved.

·         Public Works Director Report
·         Review of estimates for water line replacements.
·         Update on quotations for water break trailer.
·         Report on educational conference attended.
·         Propose to take two weeks per month to replace water meters.
·         Recommendation to hire part time (approximately 30 hours per week) employees to help with spring and summer projects.
·         Discussion regarding Norman Nelson request for vacation. Jack will be off for medical reasons. Discussion of contingency plan for emergencies. Norm to procure on call subcontractor(s) agreement as back up while he is out of town.
·         Public Works will be flushing fire hydrants on May 12th and 13th. Laura Kamienski to post information on website.

·         Solicitor’s Report: Philip Lope
·         Meeting with Callery Borough is scheduled for 6:00 p.m. on May 13th in the Borough Building Community Room.
·         Still working on transfer of Pennvest loan.

·         Engineering Report: Dan Dow, HRG
·         Next WWTP progress meeting May 7th at 3:00 p.m.
·         Bond Requisition #5
§ Contract 13-04, Xylem Water application for payment #2 - $61,760.00
§ Contract 13-04, Xylem Water application for payment #3 - $15,440.00
§ Contract 13-07,  Mid-Atlantic application for payment #4 - $369,242.10
§ Contract 13-08,  Pipeline application for payment #2 - $216,585.00
§ Contract 13-10, Penn Ohio application for payment #2 - $6,066.00

Motion by Vito Pilosi to make payments as outlined and
issue Bond Requisition #5 in the amount of $691,731.92
Seconded by Ed Tanski. Unanimously approved.

·         New Building Move
·         Target move date in June.
·         Property owner to patch walls etc.
·         Norm Nelson’s office to move to the inside office located in the main office space.
·         Ed Tanski to contact property owner to move paperwork forward.

Motion by Vito Pilosi sign lease and  move office to 216 Wahl Avenue.
Seconded by Ed Tanski. Unanimously approved.

Moved to closed session.

Motions to adjourn by Tim Schoeffel.
Seconded by Ed Tanski. Unanimously approved.

Meeting adjourned 9:05 p.m.

Minutes Prepared by Laura Kamienski
Cc Tim Schoeffel, Vito Pilosi, Ed Tankski, Joe Weltner, Cheri Deener,  Nadine Grabe and Philip Lope.

Prepared by Laura Kamienski
Meter reading is done around the 15th of each month.

Meter reading would alternate with estimated usage on odd and even months. Reads taken during the last week of the month.

Bills are printed and mailed on or before the last day of each month.

Bills are printed and mailed on or before the 10th of each month.
Payments are due by the 10th of each month.

Payments are due and must be received by 3:00 p.m. on the last day of each month, with no grace period.

Late penalties are applied and late notices sent on the 11th of each month. (though we have been delaying this.) 1.5% late penalty plus $5.00 late notice fee.

An 6% penalty is applied on the 1st of each month.  This will be reflected on customer’s next bill. No late notices will be sent.

Shut off notices are sent on the 21nd of each month for accounts two months or more past due. $10.00 notice fee.

If a billing cycle balance is not paid within 35 days of that cycle’s due date a shut off notice will be sent. $10.00 notice fee.

Shut offs on or about the last day of the month.

Service will be terminated on or about 10 days from the date of the termination notice. A door tag will be posted announcing that service has been terminated.

$30.00 shut off plus a $30.00 turn on fee is applied to account.

A $60.00 account reactivation fee is applied to the account.

Cash payment in full must be received to restart service.

Cash payment in full must be received to restart service.