30 January 2013
Call to order:- The meeting was called to order by Chairman Tim Schoeffel at 6:00 PM. Members present: Tim Schoeffel, Cheri Deener, Vito Pilosi, Ed Tanski, Joe Weltner, Philip P. Lope, Solicitor; Dan Dow, HRG; Norm Nelson, DPW
- Excused:
- Others in attendance:
- Public Session: NONE
The minutes of 19 December 2012 were moved by Joe Weltner, 2nd Vito Pilosi for acceptance. Motion Passed
Motion was made by Vito Pilosi to keep all Authority positions and committees the same 2nd by Joe Weltner Motion passed.
The Authority positions are as follows for 2013;
- Chairperson - Tim Schoeffel
- Vice Chairperson- Joe Weltner
- Treasurer-Vito Pilosi
- Secretary-Cheri Deener
- Accounts, Transactions & Billing; (V. Pilosi, E. Tanski)
- Budget; (T. Schoeffel, V. Pilosi)
- Rules and Regulations; (T. Schoeffel, J. Weltner, C. Deener)
- New Projects—Sewer; (Vito Pilosi, E. Tanski)
- Cooperation Committee; (T. Schoeffel, J. Weltner)
Chairman’s Report/Communications:
- PMAA training on Wednesday March 6, 2013 at the Sheraton 4 points. Anyone interested in attending see Tim for details.
- PSAB Act 13 Grants is a program which receives money from the National Gas Impact Fee. This may be an avenue that we could possibly receive funds to help with our waste water as well as future and water and sewer projects. Dan from HRG to look into this for our next meeting.
- Received an Email from Jacob Moore, DEP about a source water protection program. He is the source water protection coordinator. He works with community water supplies to protect these supplies throughout the region. Dan is to review the Email and follow-up.
- Received Email from Diana Kaufman, Howard Insurance Company sent January 3, 2013 about a Workers Compensation Safety Committee Credit that Evans City may be eligible for. We will need to form a Safety Committee with the Department of Public Works and the Police. The committee must have a minimum of 2 employers and 2 employee representative from each group. The committee must meet regularly each month for 6 months prior to applying for the credit. Meeting minutes will be required along with agendas and attendance sign in sheets. All committee members must be trained by qualified trainers in the safety committee operations, hazard inspection and accident investigation areas.
- The area that we looked at to receive grant monies from the county we did not qualify for. Possibility for not qualifying is due to not having the most recent census and/or we did not receive enough response from our income survey. We need a 50% response from this survey and we received approximately 1 in 11 response rate.
Past due accounts for the month to date of this meeting rounded to the nearest dollar are as follows:
Over 30 days: Total $13,658.58
Over 60 days: Total $ 6,002.81
Over 90 days: Total $30,508.93
Callery owes $21,378.12
Mangurten’s owes $4,403.51
Authority Committees:
Accounts, Transactions & Billing ;( V. Pilosi, E. Tanski)
- Bank accounts that have been transferred are:
- Sewer Savings $ 29,946.18
- Force main/Lift station $ 9,360.80
- Sewer Line Replacement $226,933.43
- Water Line Replacement Saving $ 21,751.97
- Water Savings $ 11,772.67
Total to date 30 January 2013 $299,765.05
- Tyler Industries and Nadine have been in contact to go over some of the data that is being transferred over to the new system as of 28 January 2013.
- Joe Weltner brought in proto type checks for our accounts to review and to verify account numbers. They were confirmed to be correct.
- 500 checks for each account at a cost of $118.75 x 2 acct. = $237.50
- Set up for each order cost of $15.00 x 2acct.= $30.00
- 1000 envelopes at a cost of $65.00
- Total cost of order $332.50
2nd Vito Pilosi Motion passed
Budget; (T. Schoeffel, V. Pilosi)
- Nadine has all the needed information to put the final budget on the computer.
- Borough still owes the Authority for wages in 2012. Borough stated they could pay back some but not all owed at this time. Tim informed the Borough that the Authority would take what they could afford to give at this time and would then setup the remainder owed as a loan to the Borough in which payments could be made to pay down the loan.
- No report
New Projects—Sewer ;( Vito Pilosi, E. Tanski)
- No new items to report on progress of sewer project
Rules and Regulations; (T. Schoeffel, J. Weltner, C. Deener)
- No report
Solicitors Report:
- Nextier Bank has asked for a copy of our budget to see our loan obligations before they will take us over. Mr. Lope to get the budget from Nadine to forward to them.
- Bonding application sent to Howard Agency. The quote received for up to $300,000.00 was $633.00/year for each signer. That would be $633.00 x 2= $1266.00/year.
- Motion to approve bonding for the Authority signers (Tim and Vito) thru Howard Agency. Motion made by Joe Weltner 2nd Ed Tanski Motion passed.
- Request made to have Mr. Lope to check to see if Mr. Gloeckner has satisfied his tap in fee for the new extension. If not would he start the legal process for payment?
- Received files on the executed deed from the Mangurten property. Gave Dan; HRG a copy of the deed.
- Received with this document from the Mangurten’s a stipulation that her attorney has asked to sign. It states she is not waiving her rights to damages. Mr. Lope had some problems with the document and has sent it back today. Once this document is signed that will close out everything with Mangurten..
- Motion made by Vito Pilosi; That when the document is in good order Tim Schoeffel be authorized to sign the document on behalf of the Authority. 2nd Ed Tanski Motion passed.
- Mr. Lope to contact Mr. Gallagher on needed deeds(3) to transfer to the Authority so that Dan Dow; HRG can go to Jackson Township for lot consolidation and variance for the sewer plant project.
Department of Public Works:
- See attachment
- Discussion on land lords still not paying the water bills the renters are. Tim to follow up with Nadine to clarify that we should not be billing individuals living in a rental property. We should be billing the person(s) who own the property.
- Water usage/purchased for 2012 is as follows: January we used from our plant 5,827,555 gal.We purchase in 2012 from February1 thru December31, 2012 62,339,445 gal from PAWC.
- Bad water leak running down the alley by the Ritzert Hall. Norm left notices on the homes to have them contact Norm for further information as to what the plan is to fix the leak.
- Lisa Chiesa from the bonding company needs numbers from Norm on the flow volume of sewage from Callery and BASF, how much water we purchased from PAWC. Norm gave her the figures she requested.
- Norm is working on 3 reports that need to be completed, signed, and sent by the end of the first quarter. Chapter 94 report, Annual water supply report, and the Water Allocation Permit Compliance Report have been completed and are being reviewed by Dan; HRG.
- Norm needs the amount of water we purchased and sold. We are only allowed to have a 20% loss for fires and flushing of hydrants. He asked if anyone has computer knowledge please go and help Nadine to get him the numbers he needs.
- Needs name and addresses of 4 people who will participate in lead and copper sampling.
- Jim Shaffer slipped coming down the steps at the sewer plant and hurt his back. Did not tell anyone for 3 days. No accident report filed. He is now seeing Dr. Schoeffel for treatment.
- Norm to notify all Department of Public Works and Sewer Plant employees that they must follow protocol when hurt or injured at the workplace. They need to file an accident report for any accident/injury large or small that they are involved in while working. Disciplinary action will be taken if not followed; up to and including discharge.
Engineer Report:
- See attachment
Confirmation of assignment(s); None
- On the COA on the treatment plant Dan reviewed, made revisions to the plan and returned to Christina at DEP as follows:
1. Cross out and initial 180 days in 3.A and replace it with 240 days and change date to December 31,2014 for sewer plant completion
2. Add substantially complete in 5.B
Christina from DEP was willing to accept revision(s) in 3.A but would not accept the revision in 5.B
- Motion on behalf of the Authority to have Tim Schoeffel and Mr. Lope to sign the COA with the revision(s) in 3.A to change 180 days to 240 days and change completion date to December 31, 2014 was made by Vito Pilosi 2nd by Joe Weltner Motion passed.
New Business:
- Companies that are looking for water is Chevron, XTO, Shell, Rex
- We need to have a bulk water agreement drawn up and ready for when they are ready to purchase, we can move immediately.
- Norm has contacts for all the companies interested at this time
- Discussion on what Callery would owe us if we used the old formula. Would like to have both formulas ready to give Callery this information. This way they can make a more informed budgetary decision and as well as payments.
Motion to adjourn was made by Vito Pilosi 2nd Joe Weltner Motion approved
Meeting adjourned at 7:35 PM
Cheri Deener
Authority Secretary
Next Meetings: Wednesday February 27, 2013
March 27, 2013
April 24, 2013
May 29, 2013
June 26, 2013
July 31, 2013
7 | P a g e
August 28, 2013
September 25, 2013
October 30, 2013
November20, 2013
December 18, 2013