Wednesday, August 27, 2014


Evans City Water and Sewer Authority Meeting
27 August 2014

·         Call to order: The meeting was called to order by Chairman, Tim Schoeffel at 6:03 p.m.
·         Members present: Tim Schoeffel, Vito Pilosi, Ed Tanski, and Cheri Deener.
·         Others present: Philip Lope, Esquire. Kevin Wilmot, HRG. Laura Kamienski, Office Manager. Frank Orrico, Premier Energy Solutions.

·         Public Session: This meeting was open to the public.  

·         Presentation: Mr. Frank Orrico, Premier Energy Solutions  
§  Presentation and discussion regarding electricity contracts and options for the Authority.

Motion by Vito Pilosi to approve 12 month Champion Electric contract
rate for Authority accounts that are not under any existing contract.
Seconded by Ed Tanski.  Unanimously approved.

·         Minutes: Review of minutes from July 30, 2014.

Motion by Vito Pilosi to approve July 30, 2014 minutes as presented.
Seconded by Cheri Deener.  Unanimously approved.

·         Communications:
§  Announcement that Dan Dow is leaving HRG Engineering. Kevin Wilmot of HRG will be the Authority’s new contact.

·         Chairman’s Report:
§  Mid-Atlantic Delay at WWTP
üFor various reasons, Mid-Atlantic is delaying work at the new sewer plant. 
üA letter has been drafted to bring attention to these delays and possible costs.
üThis process is necessary to collect any damages that might be incurred due to breeches in contract.
§  Vacation Request
üLaura Kamienski requesting vacation from January 26th, 2015 through February 2nd 2015.

Motion by Cheri Deener to approve Laura Kamienski
vacation from 01-26-2015 through 02-02-2015.
 Seconded by Ed Tanski. Unanimously approved.

·         Review Bills & Past Due Accounts
§  Discussion regarding delinquent customer accounts.
§  Discussion regarding Allegheny Mineral invoicing. Need to add better designation for orders on packing slips to facilitate which account to invoice.
Motion by Vito Pilosi to pay bills as presented.
Seconded by Cheri Deener.  Unanimously approved.

·         Committees
§  Forward Township
üA meeting is being planned tentatively for the end of next week.
§  Budget: No Report
§  New Sewer Plant Project
üDiscussion whether to handle new plant operations internally or externally.
üDiscussion regarding training for new sewer plant operation.
üRecommendation to video tape all training for future reference.
üDiscussion about training back up personnel/junior operator.
§  Rules & Regulations: No report
§  Accounts & Transactions: No report
§  Cooperation Committee: No report
§  Website / Public Relations:
üLaura Kamienski to look into proposals for an office building sign.
üVito Pilosi and Kevin Wilmot met with BASF regarding new industrial user agreement. There is now a better understanding of needs.
üAnother meeting is scheduled for September to discuss details.

·         Administrative Report: Laura Kamienski
§  Review Past Due Accounts
ü35 Shut off notices were sent against June’s billing. These notices showed only the past due and fee amounts to alleviate confusion.
ü6 accounts were terminated. 1 account remains off.
ü$3,287.43 in late charges were generated on August 1st
üThere were 7 payments made via eNETPAY to date.
§  The 2013 General ledger was successfully closed.
§  MaherDuessel recommends one checking account instead of two.
üDiscussion of best way to establish one checking account.
§  Research on possible rental property billing fee.
§  Biggs property research – Held by JP Morgan bank in Louisiana.  The property owners are unreachable. Phil Lope will file lien.
§  Meter serial numbers now appear on the meter reading sheets.

·         Public Works Director Report: Tim Schoeffel
§  Installed 4 meters
§  Meeting for Mars Evans City Culvert project.
§  Work release personnel have been painting the hydrants.
§  Report regarding equipment repairs at sewer plant and lift station.

·         Solicitor’s Report: No Report

·         Engineering Report: Kevin Wilmot, HRG.
§  Review of culvert waterline relocation project. Must review plans with PennDOT. Discussion about coordinating water outages during construction.
§  WWTP Progress Meetings to be held on the first Wednesday of each month at the Borough Building.

§  WWTP Project Bond Requisition #9
üContract 13-06, Pipeline application for payment #6 - $130,220.50
üTotal for Bond Requisition #8 (which includes HRG invoice 100198 for $20,110.39) - $150,330.21

Motion by Vito Pilosi to approve payment for Contract 13-06, #6 in the amount of #130,220.50.00. Seconded by Ed Tanski. Unanimously approved.

Motion by Vito Pilosi to approve Bond Requisition #9 in the amount of $150,330.21. Seconded by Ed Tanski. Unanimously approved.

·         Discussion regarding the number of water line breaks happening on one line. Need to focus replacement lines in that area. Norm Nelson and Kevin Wilmot to meet to review line repairs and replacements.

Motion to move to closed session by Vito Pilosi.
Seconded by Ed Tanski. Unanimously approved.

Moved to closed session8:00 p.m.

Return from closed session at 8:10 p.m.

Motion to unequivocally reject Callery Borough’s settlement offer.
Seconded by Tim Schoeffel. Unanimously approved.

Motion to adjourn by Joe Weltner.
 Seconded by Cheri Deener. Unanimously approved.

Meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.

Minutes Prepared by Laura Kamienski
Cc Tim Schoeffel,  Vito Pilosi,  Ed Tanski,  Joe Weltner,  Cheri Deener,  and Philip Lope