Wednesday, November 19, 2014


Evans City Water and Sewer Authority Meeting
19 November 2014

·         Call to order: The meeting was called to order by Chairman, Tim Schoeffel at 6:05 p.m.
·         Members present: Tim Schoeffel, Vito Pilosi III, Ed Tanski, Cheri Deener, and Joe Weltner.
·         Others present: Philip Lope, Esquire, Norman Nelson, Public Works Director, Brad Elder, HRG. Laura Kamienski, Office Manager.

·         Public Session: This meeting was open to the public. 
§  Brian Pahlman and Dayna Long 
üDiscussion regarding past due account and payment plan arrangement.
üAuthority agreed to accept a minimum monthly payment of $300.00 until balance is satisfied. First payment due December 31, 2014.

·         Minutes: Review of minutes from October 29, 2014.

Motion by Vito Pilosi to approve October 29, 2014 minutes as presented.
Seconded by Cheri Deener.  Unanimously approved.
·         Communications:
·         Chairman’s Report:
§  Discussion about article that appeared in the Butler Eagle. It did not convey the prepared release that was submitted. There were several errors and omissions.
§  Tim Schoeffel followed up with the editor. A correction was to be printed.
§  The reporter has contacted the ECWSA attorney.

·         Review Bills & Past Due Accounts
§  Review of accounts payable.
üDiscussion regarding Callery lift station generator billing and credit.
Motion by Ed Tanski to pay bills as presented.
Seconded by Cheri Deener.  Unanimously approved.

§  Review of past due accounts and outstanding receivables.
ü  There was $5,400.21 generated in late charges on November 1st.
ü  54 delinquent/termination notices were sent on November 17th
ü  Shutoffs are scheduled for December 3rd due to Thanksgiving.
ü  There were 16 eNETPAY payments since the last meeting.
ü  Total ages receivables = $92,238.96. This amount includes 0-30 days due at the end of the month.
ü  Callery outstanding balance= $36,759.08
§  This amount reflects the corrected amount.
§  Discussion regarding Fundbalance account configuration error and Callery balance corrections.
§  Adjustments report included in this month’s meeting packet.

·         Committees
§  Rules & Regulations: No report
üTim to schedule meeting with HRG to work on this.
§  Budget
üAdrienne is still finalizing the budget.
§  Accounts & Transactions:
üLaura Kamienski has been added to the bank accounts.
üA new checking account, combined water & sewer, has been opened and $100.00 has been deposited into it.
üNeed to order checks for new account and deposit stamp for new account.
§  New Sewer Plant Project – Engineer’s report.
§  Cooperation Committee: No report.
§  Forward Township Committee:
üPhilip Lope reviewing changes. HRG needs to review engineering aspects of changes. Phil checking with engineer.
§  Website / Public Relations:
üDiscussion regarding ACH option for customer payments.
üNot available yet, but it is in the works for future

·         Solicitor’s Report: Callery Borough
§  Philip Lope has prepared a Petition for Emergency Relief to present to Judge Yeager, asking the judge to order Callery to pay. A hearing should be scheduled within a couple of weeks.
§  Callery has been informed of rate increase.
§  Phil and HRG working on tap fee calculations.

Motion by Ed Tanski to authorize Philip Lope to present to the court, an emergency motion
for special and preliminary injunction. Seconded by Vito Pilosi. Unanimously approved.

§  Callery’s engineer is scheduled to meet on November 25th at 2:00pm, with HRG and flow meter technician to discuss calibration of the lift station flow meter.
§  Discussion regarding Callery’s tap payments to us. Last tap payment made to us was in 2010.
üDiscussion about possibility for dual tap application.
üNeed to review agreement regarding tap fee distribution.

·         Administrative Report: Laura Kamienski
§  John Porter / Dennis Spithaler delinquent account has been settled at original debt of $187.14 plus 25%.
§  Software upgrades scheduled for November 20th.
§  Ben Jamieson from Northwest Bank stopped in to offer bank services to the Authority.
üLooking into Northwest services before buying checks for new account.
§  Need letter announcing 2015 rates.
§  Send e-mail announcing newsletter. Information being sent to Jill Perry to send out.
§  Philip Lope has prepared the lien against Biggs property.

§  2015 Meeting dates approval.
üJanuary 28th. February 25th. March 25th. April 29th. May 27th. June 24th. July 29th. August 26th. September 30th. October 28th. November 18th. December 16th.

Motion by Cheri Deener to approve the 2015 meeting dates as presented. Seconded by Ed Tanski. Unanimously approved.

§  Discussion regarding Dyer property sprinkler meter.
üTim Schoeffel to discuss these types of situations with HRG in rules and regulations.

·         Public Works Director Report: Norman Nelson
§  Norm Nelson and Mark Nasky attended a certification distribution testing in Williamsport PA.
§  There were no DEP violations this month.

·         Engineering Report: Brad Elder, HRG.
§  Discussion regarding water line relocation. Drawings from PennDOT have been received.
§  Next sewer plant progress meeting is scheduled for December 3rd.

§  WWTP Project Bond Requisition #12
üContract 13-07, Mid-Atlantic application for payment #9 - $216,351.92
§  Recommended by HRG at this time. Still enough in budget for delay damages.
§  Discussion regarding tank damage.
üContract 13-08, Pipeline application for payment #9 - $199,124.75
üContract 13-09, Reno Bros. application for payment #3 - $ 21,541.72
üContract 13-10 Penn-Ohio application for payment #6 - $104,547.29
üTotal for Bond Requisition #12 (which includes HRG invoice 101505 for $20,351.31) - $561,916.99

Motion by Vito Pilosi to approve Bond Requisition #12 payments as outlined.
Seconded by Ed Tanski. Unanimously approved.

§  Contract 13-09 Reno Bros. Change Order #1 - $  5,917.00
üDrawings for unit heaters indicated 20KW size and a specific model number which didn’t correspond to each other. Change order is to change to correct model.
üHRG recommends approving the change order.

Motion by Ed Tanski to approve Reno Bros contract 13-09 Change Order #1.
Seconded by Joe Weltner. Unanimously approved.

·         Even with Mid-Atlantic delays, still aiming to complete construction by December 31st 2014. There will be several startups and trainings during the first two weeks of December.
·         HRG is in contact with D.E.P. regarding construction extension.
·         HRG has reviewed BASF agreement, has no further comments and recommends forwarding it to BASF.

·         Discussion regarding asset purchase price and payments.
ü  Looking into whether purchase price was adjusted to reflect the borough keeping the water plant and reservoir.
·         Presented water & sewer rate studies for 2015. Propose that the Authority pass the rate resolution.
·         Water tap in study. A report outlining calculations is forthcoming.
·         Sewer tap in study – Collection fee and Capacity fee for retail customers. Capacity fee only for wholesale customers.
·         Self-Liquidating Debt Report is completed.
·         Discussion regarding deferral of asset purchase payments to borough to reduce amount of rate increase for customers. Borough council will discuss.
·         Discussion regarding options for new sewer plant operations and maintenance and preventative maintenance.

·         2015 Water & Sewer Rates
§  Both water & sewer rates will be based on a dual block pricing format.
§  All proposals based on assumption of Callery paying only $6000.00 per month.
§  Review  and discussion of proposed rates:

CUSTOMER CHARGE                                                                       $5.00                Per Month
SERVICE/EDU CHARGE (In Borough)                                  $16.00               Per Month
SERVICE/EDU CHARGE (OUT OF BOROUGH)                 $21.00               Per Month
·         1st Block: 0 – 50,000 gal                                     $5.35                Per 1,000 gal
·         2nd Block: 50,000 + gal                                      $5.60                Per 1,000 gal
CUSTOMER CHARGE                                                                       $9.00                Per Month
SERVICE/EDU CHARGE                                                      $40.00               Per Month
·         1st Block: 0 – 50,000 gal                                     $7.75                Per 1,000 gal
·         2nd Block: 50,000 + gal                                      $3.75                Per 1,000 gal

Motion by Vito Pilosi to accept 2015 water and sewer rate increases as proposed by HRG and discussed.
Seconded by Ed Tanski.  Unanimously approved.

Motion to adjourn by Cheri Deener. Seconded by Ed Tanski. Unanimously approved.

Meeting adjourned 7:52 p.m.

Minutes Prepared by Laura Kamienski
Cc Tim Schoeffel,  Vito Pilosi,  Ed Tanski,  Joe Weltner,  Cheri Deener,  and Philip Lope