Wednesday, February 25, 2015


Evans City Water and Sewer Authority Meeting
25 February 2015

·         Call to order: The meeting was called to order by Chairman, Tim Schoeffel at 6:01 p.m.
·         Members present: Tim Schoeffel, Vito Pilosi, Ed Tanski, Cheri Deener, Joe Weltner.
·         Others present: Philip Lope, Esquire, Chad Hanley, HRG, Dean Zinkhann, Mayor, Laura Kamienski, and Martin Fabian.      

·         Public Session: This meeting was open to the public. 

·         Minutes: Review of minutes from January 28, 2015.

Motion by Cheri Deener to approve January 28, 2015 minutes as presented.
Seconded by Vito Pilosi.  Unanimously approved.

·         Review Bills & Past Due Accounts
§  Review of accounts payable.
Motion by Ed Tanski to pay bills as presented.
Seconded by Joe Weltner. Unanimously approved.

§  There were $3,333.06 in 6% late charges generated on February 3rd.
§  Sent out 65 Delinquent Account Notices against the December billing ($650.00 in fees)
ü  There were 18 accounts scheduled for shut off on February 24th. Norm went door to door trying to urge payments because of the cold weather, and we cancelled shut offs.
ü  Discussion regarding accounting procedure for notice and termination fees.
§  All accounts that were scheduled for shut off have a fee added to the account. Fee to remain on accounts per Authority.
§  Discussion regarding software limitations and confusion about past due balances on bills.
§  The delinquent/shut off notices have been redesigned to help alleviate confusion.
§  Discussion regarding posting 24 hour door notices for shut offs.
§  Try this for one month per Tim Schoffel.
§  There were 36 payments via eNETPAY since the last meeting.
ü  Northwest Bank recommends we stay with eNETPAY.

Aged Receivables (Less Callery Borough)
§ 0-30 Days = $55,211.18
§ 30-60 Days = $ 1,588.44
§ 60-90 Days = $ 385.08
§ 90+ Days = $ 1,340.65
§ Total = $58,525.35

§ 0-30 = $20,010-70
§ 30-60 = $ 8,402.47
§ 60- 90 = $10,366.00
§ 90+ = $24,759.08
§ Total = $63,538.25

Total Aged Receivables = $122,063.60

·          Miscellaneous Updates:
§  The construction electric account has been transferred to the Authority. Premier Energy has transferred the Champion Electric contract from the old to the new sewer plant.
§  Paychex is now in place.
§  Sent out 150 incorrect checks/mailing letters.
§  We are working to open all A/P vendor accounts in the Authority’s name.
§  Sent an invoice for CWM water plant Borough charges in the amount of $3,013.10.
ü  Discussion regarding when the Borough should assume responsibility for these bills.
§  Per Authority, calculate these charges back through 2013.
·         For Review:
§  Discussion regarding Inspection/Dye Testing forms and procedures.
§  Proposal to adopt Resolution of the Authority, establishing the requirement that the sale of property cannot occur without sufficient proof of compliance that storm water collections systems are not emptying into the sewer system. There are fees and forms associated.
ØInspection Only - $ 75.00
ØDye Test Only - $150.00
ØInspection and Dye Testing - $200.00
§  Lien letters not to be issued until after inspection and compliance.

Motion by Vito Pilosi to accept the inspection and dye testing resolution as outlined.
Seconded by Joe Weltner. Unanimously passed

§  Discussion regarding ACH debit for customer payments. Authority would like to see a proposal to determine cost.
§  Checks have been ordered for new Northwest Account.
§  Discussion regarding a dedicated domain name for Authority.
ØEd Tanski proposes
ØLaura Kamienski to research web hosts.
§  Savings Accounts Transfer to Northwest
ØDiscussion regarding savings account to be transferred to Northwest Bank.
ØThere are currently two accounts open at Northwest: ECWSA checking and eNETPAY savings.
ØAdditional accounts to be transferred:
ü  Water System General Reserve Fund – Water Savings
ü  Water System Water Line Replacements Fund - Savings
ü  Sewer System General Reserve Fund – Sewer Savings
ü  Sewer System Callery ERF Fund – Savings to stay at Nextier for now.
§  Workers Compensation Insurance proposal C.W. Howard.  Paychex is unable to offer a proposal.
ØThrough Selective Insurance $4,190.00
ØTo be reconciled on an annual basis.

Motion by Vito Pilosi to approve C.W. Howard proposal for workers compensation
 insurance through Selective Insurance at the first annual cost of $4,190.00
 Seconded by Ed Tanski. Unanimously approved.

§  Discussion regarding seasonal billing of the Yasko sprinkler account and the Zimmerman Ice Cream Shop account.
ØBill the Yasko account: $5.00 customer charge and usage only.
ØZimmerman’s requests seasonal billing since they are only open in the summer.
ü  The EDU charge is determined by averaging an entire year’s usage. There is no provision for averaging a partial year.
§  Discussion regarding the possibility of holding additional monthly meetings until the sewer plant construction is completed.
§  Discussion on altering properties from one residence to two or two to one.
ØA work order must be placed for each property change.
ØAll meter removals must be performed by us.
ØCharge service/work order fee.

·         Committees
§  Rules & Regulations: No Report
§  Budget: No Report
§  Accounts & Transactions: No Report
§  New Sewer Plant Project: Cover in Engineer’s Report
§  Cooperation Committee: No report.
§  Forward Township Committee: Cheri Deener
ØForward Township has responded via letter stating that the cost is prohibitive.
§  BASF: Vito Pilosi
ØBASF requested a copy of our Rules & Regulations. Vito Pilosi forwarded the Borough ordinances to BASF. Until we have completed our Rules & Regulations these are what we are under.
§  Website / Public Relations: No Report
§  Callery Borough: Closed Session

·         Public Works Director Report: Tim Schoeffel for Norm Nelson
§  There was a water break on Railroad Street.
§  One home was shut off at the owner’s request.
§  Talked to Sam Smith about using the Main Street hydrant to fill trucks.
§  Copy of water flows for 2014.
§  Working on the annual water reports
§  Received occupancy permit for Breakneck water project.
§  Needed to purchase 100 feet of roll up 2” gas line that was torn up for the Breakneck water project.
§  Discussion regarding grit disposal at sewer plant.

·         Solicitor’s Report: Philip Lope
§  Move to executive session for discussion regarding Callery law suit.

Vito Pilosi Motion by Vito Pilosi to authorize the Authority Chairman to sign memorandum of understanding in the form presented. Seconded by Ed Tanski. Unanimously accepted.

·         Engineering Report: Brad Elder, HRG
§  SR 3015 culvert replacement waterline design is completed.
§  Discussion regarding execution of PennDOT agreement to prepare 50% reimbursement agreement for project, approximately $43,000.00. PennDOT will be bidding the project this spring.

Motion by Cheri Deener to authorize the Authority Chairman to sign
Resolution authorizing PennDOT to prepare the reimbursement agreement.
 Seconded by Ed Tanski. Unanimously approved. 

§  Breakneck Creek Water Line Project
ØPipeline is working on the project. The Authority is overseeing.

·         WWTP Construction Project  Update
§  Discussion of problems at new sewer plant
ØDecanters installation is defective and unacceptable. Waiting for response from Xylem.
ØBlower Room equipment accessibility. Limited accessibility poses a serious safety hazard. Change to equipment was not authorized before installation. Problem could have been resolved before installation.
ØGrit System will not pull grit up due to manufacturer delay for explosion proof part delivery. The system should have been explosion proof to begin with.
ØUV Pad Design: When #1 decanter is in operation there is a surge. The UV system can’t keep up with the surge.

·         WWTP Project Bond Requisition #15

§  Contract 13-08, Pipeline Systems, Inc. application for payment #12 - $ 55,958.58

Motion by Vito Pilosi to accept application for payment #12, Contract 13-08 in the amount of $55,958.58. Seconded by Joe Weltner. Unanimously approved.

§  Contract 13-09, Reno Bros. application for payment #6 - $ 19,829.22

Motion by Vito Pilosi to accept application for payment #6, Contract 13-09 in the amount of $19,829.22. Seconded by Joe Weltner. Unanimously approved

§  Contract 13-10 Penn-Ohio application for payment #9 - $ 80,362.87

Motion by Vito Pilosi to accept application for payment #9, Contract 13-10 in the amount of $80,362.87.  Seconded by Joe Weltner. Unanimously approved

§  Total for Bond Requisition #15 (which includes HRG invoice 103231 for $21,838.81) - $177,989.48

Motion by Vito Pilosi to approve Bond Requisition #15 as outlined.
Seconded by Joe Weltner. Unanimously approved.

Motion Vito Pilosi to hold delivery of Requisition #15 payments until a satisfactory engineer, contractor, authority meeting has been held. Seconded by Ed Tanski. Unanimously approved.

·         WWTP Project Change Orders:

ØContract 13-08, Pipeline Systems, Change Order #8 – $2,645.00
ü  Insulation on decanter lines.

Motion by Vito Pilosi to approve Contract 13-08, Pipeline Systems Change Order #8.
Seconded by Joe Weltner. Unanimously Approved.

·         COA
Ø  8th quarterly report was submitted on January 29th.
Ø  WWTP began receiving flow on February 2nd.
Ø  Schedule: in operation by March 31st.
·         Discussion on Engineering Retainer, which will be held at the same rate.

·         Other Business:
§  Discussion regarding implementation and procedures for purchase orders and requisitions.
§  Purchase orders must be submitted for purchases outside of normal day to day operations.
§  Blanket purchase orders for day to day operations with budget amounts. Anything over budget to require a separate purchase order.
§  Discussion regarding plant phone purchase. And cell phone / or cell phone reimbursement for Martin Fabian. Martin to research his plan for discussion.

Motion by Vito Pilosi to approve the DBS Communications quotation for the
new phone at the sewer plant. Seconded by Cheri Deener. Unanimously approved.

Motion to adjourn by Cheri Deener. Seconded by Tim Schoeffel. Unanimously approved.

 Meeting adjourned 8:40 p.m.

Minutes Prepared by Laura Kamienski

Cc Tim Schoeffel,  Vito Pilosi,  Ed Tanski,  Joe Weltner,  Cheri Deener,  and Philip Lope