Call to order:
The meeting was called to order by Chairman, Timothy Schoeffel at 6:03 p.m.
- Members present: Tim Schoeffel, Chairman. Ed Tanski, Vice Chairman. Vito Pilosi III, Treasurer. Joe Weltner and Tim Green.
- Others present: Marty Fabian, Senior Sewer Plant Operator. Laura Kamienski, Office Manager. Chad Hanley, HRG. Philip Lope, Esquire.
- Tom Schoeffel: Inspection 203 Jefferson Street
- Callery Borough - Ed Conway and Tom Smith, Esq.
- Discussion regarding BASF bridge repair.
- Update on Callery meter installations.
- Discussion regarding Lift Station meter replacement.
Motion by Ed Tanski to approve June 29th, 2016 minutes as presented.
Seconded by Vito Pilosi, IIII. Unanimously approved.
Chairman’s Report: - Discussion regarding possible grant applications. HRG to submit applications.
- The WWTP Consent Order has been completed.
- Rules & Regulations: Chad Hanley, HRG, Water Rules & Regulations draft presented for review.
- Budget:
- Review Budget Report – Need 2nd quarter shared expenses.
- Forward Township Committee: Request Act 537 Report from Forward Township.
- BASF: No report.
- Website / Public Relations: Still working with Muni-Link to meet September first billing.
- Callery Borough: No report.
Motion by Vito Pilosi, III to pay bills as presented.
Seconded by Tim Schoeffel. Unanimously approved.
Administrative Report: Laura Kamienski
- There were $166.22 in late charges generated on July 1st.
- Sent out 79 Delinquent Account Notices on July 15, 2016 against the May 2016 billing.
- 1 account was terminated on 07-25-2016. 1 remains off. It is vacant. 10 accounts are already off.
- There were 42 payments via eNETPAY since the last meeting.
- 46 accounts are now enrolled in ACH.
Aged Receivables Active Accounts
- 0-30 Days = $40,270.37
- 30-60 Days = $1,623.42
- 60-90 Days = $ 495.94
- 90+ Days = $ 1,442.87
Aged Receivables Lien & Inactive Accounts
- 0-30 Days = $ 364.91
- 30-60 Days = $ 1,244.69
- 60-90 Days = $ 1,138.13
- 90+ Days = $ 17,838.01
Updates & Discussion Points:
- Monthly Transfers
Motion by Vito Pilosi, III to approve Monthly Transfers as presented.
Seconded by Tim Schoeffel. Unanimously approved.
- Medical insurance review.
- Ed Tanski met with Davevic. Review of Platinum Health Benefits Plan.
Motion by Vito Pilosi, III to approve the UPMC Platinum plan for employees.
Seconded by Tim Green. Unanimously approved.
- Boylan property-fire-abandon taps:Discussion regarding abandoned tap application.
- Discussion regarding inspection of taps.
- Tim Schoeffel and Philip Lope to discuss inspection with Pat Boylan.
- Moving forward we need documentation, including, work order and pictures for future reference.
- Discussion regarding meter lost in the fire.
- $125.00 meter charge.
- Discussion regarding fees for tap abandonment.
- $50.00 Service call fee for inspection.
- Discussion regarding Borough demolition permit.
- Discussion regarding delinquent account penalty errors:
- System is now corrected.
- Discussion regarding penalty regulations.
- Phil Lope to provide statute regarding penalties.
- Muni-Link update:
- Review of pre-printed billing cards for Muni-Link billing.
Motion by Joe Weltner to approve Muni-Link billing cards from Hile Printing.
Seconded by Ed Tanski. Unanimously approved.
- Sewage Credit Requests.
- Discussion regarding minimum gallon for sewage credit request.
- Institute a 2,000 gallon minimum.
Motion by Vito Pilosi, III to approve a 2000 gallon minimum for all sewage credit requests.
Seconded by Ed Tanski. Unanimously approved.
- Discussion regarding guidelines for sewage credit approvals or declinations.
- No response from Marburger sewage request from fire.·
- Insurance company requests an investigation into why the hydrant failed.
- Sanitary Rules & Regulations have been sent to Forward and Jackson Township. Tim Green to take copy to BASF.
- · Fixed water line break on Jefferson Street on July 13th. It was a 4” cast line with a hole in the bottom of the pipe.
- Authority must be notified regarding water main breaks.
- 5/8 and ¾ inch meters cost $125.00.
- Pat Boylan’s house that was torn down behind Unimart, I inspected the sewer that they capped off.
- We only had one shut off this month.
- Phosphorus violation cause was from #2 SBR diffuser problem.
- DEP visit to the plant went well.
- SCADA will be up and running by the end of August.
- Discussion regarding Pipeline Systems, Inc. regarding tank issue.
- HRG prepared a letter to Callery regarding reconciliation.
- Discussion regarding bids for fire hydrant line repair work.
- Mortimer’s Excavating – $32,000.0
- Graziani Construction, Inc. - $33,0000-.00
- Advanced Contracting, Inc. - $44,997.00
- Work to begin the second week of August.
- Businesses will need to be notified about the work.
Motion by Tim Schoeffel accept bid from Mortimer’s Excavating for fire hydrant repairs in the amount of $32,000.00. Seconded by Ed Tanski. Unanimously approved.
- HRG forwarded the signed Component 3 Planning Module for Marburger Sub-division to Shoup Engineering.
- HRG is aware of the diffuser issue and is available for assistance.
- The 2015 Consumer Confidence Report is completed and was posted by Laura Kamienski.
- Discussion regarding damaged fire hydrant replacement.
- HRG has received Component 3 Planning Module for the Marburger Farm Subdivision.
- There has been no word regarding the Mangurten property dispute.
- Discussion regarding possible conflict with borough union employees.
- Discussion regarding Edco Park pool possible leaks. Marty to meet with Edco and to read weekly until shut down.
- Discussion regarding possible refinance of WWTP Bond.
- Vito Pilosi, III reviewed packet from PFM Group.
- Recommendation to get additional information.
- Discussion regarding accepting an engagement letter from PMF.
- Invite PFM to attend next meeting.
- Discussion regarding seeking a proposal from Maher Duessel and or other accountants.
Motion by Ed Tanski to adjourn to closed session. Seconded by Vito Pilosi, III. Unanimously approved.
Meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m.