Wednesday, March 29, 2017

March 29, 2017 - ECWSA Meeting Minutes

Evans City Water and Sewer Authority Meeting
29 March, 2017

Call to order: The meeting was called to order by Chairman, Ed Tanski at 6:04 p.m.
·         Members present: Ed Tanski, Vito Pilosi III, Treasurer, Joe Weltner, and Tim Green.
·         Others present: Philip Lope, Esq., Laura Kamienski, Marty Fabian– ECWSA, Chad Hanley, and Kiana Tralongo – HRG. Ed Conway, and Tom Smith, Esq. – Callery Borough.

Public Session: This meeting was open to the public.

Callery Borough: Ed Conway and Tom Smith, Esq.
·         Ongoing discussion and negotiation regarding system merger.
·         Meeting scheduled for April 11th, 2017 at 5:00 p.m. to continue discussion.

2017 Rate Increase: Kiana Tralongo, HRG
·         10% water rate increase. 8% sewer rate increase.
·         No foreseeable increases for the next two years.
·         Recommends a rate study in three years.

Rate increase as follows:

Sewer Customer Charge - $9.70
Sewer EDU Service Charge - $43.20
Sewer Volumetric Usage Charge
1st Block, Up to 50,000 gallons - $8.40 per 1000 gallons
2nd Block, Over 50,000 gallons - $4.10 per 1000 gallons

Water Customer Charge - $5.50
Water EDU Service Charge In-Borough - $17.60
Water EDU Service Charge Out of Borough - $23.10
Water Volumetric Usage Charge
1st Block, Up to 50,000 gallons - $5.90 per 1000 gallons
2nd Block, Over 50,000 gallons - $6.20 per 1000 gallons

Motion by Joe Weltner to adopt the 2017 Rate Resolution to adjust rates by 10% increase for water and 8% increase for sewer effective for the April 2017 billing, and to authorize our solicitor to draft the resolution. Seconded by Vito Pilosi, III. Unanimously approved.

Review of Callery Meeting Notes: Vito Pilosi, III
·         Overview and discussion of rate proposal, terms, and negotiations.

Chairman’s Report:
·         Update on meetings and discussions with Connoquenessing Township regarding possibility of accepting their sewage flow.

Review of minutes from February 22, 2017:

Motion by Vito Pilosi, III to approve the February 22, 2017 minutes as presented.
Seconded by Tim Green. Unanimously approved.

§  Rules & Regulations: No Report
§  Cooperation Committee: No report.

Review Bills and Accounts Payable:

Motion by Vito Pilosi, III to pay bills as presented.
Seconded by Ed Tanski. Unanimously approved.

Administrative Report:

·         There were $345.55           in late charges generated on March 1st.
·         Sent 86 out Delinquent Account Notices against  accounts on March 15th against the January 2017 billing
·         There were 16 payments via eNETPAY non portal since the last meeting. 22 eNETPAY payments via portals
·         51 accounts are now enrolled in ACH AutoPay. There were 53 portal ACH payments last month.
·         175 customers are registered for portals.
·          44 Customers are registered for e-billing.
(Note: this doesn’t include BASF’s final bill $11,184.76)

Action Items:
·         Monthly Transfers review and approval.
Motion to approve the monthly transfers as presented.
Seconded by Joe Weltner. Unanimously approved.
·         Check Signatures
·         Approve Bills
Discussion Points and Updates
Ø  2017 Budget Report Review
Ø  0 usage work orders - 25
Ø  Well meter installation for our customers (3)
Ø  Committee member updates.
Ø  Need a time period that dye test and inspection is good for.
§  Time of sale or 12 months.
Motion by Vito Pilosi, III to require dye testing and video inspection for every
 property transfer in excess of twelve months of the last dye test and video inspection.
Seconded by Ed Tanski. Unanimously approved.

Ø  Spring 2017 ECWSA News review for publication.
Ø  New customer informational brochure.
Ø  The old website has been updated with our new portal payment information. This will eventually shift all eNETPAY payments to portal payments.
Public Works Director Report: Written Submitted
·         Attached PA American report. The numbers are way down since the leak was fixed. Estimated 2 million gallons in March
·         PA American is now using Free Chlorine as their primary disinfectant until April 24th. They’re wanting to burn and clean out the system.
·         Mark has been put on the PA One Call system. I guess he will be the one marking the lines when a one call comes in.
·         We’re making arrangements with PA American to have the reader of the storage tank moved to the sewage treatment plant. That way they can keep a better record of the flows.

Sewer Plant Report: Martin Fabian
·         There were no violations in March.
·         Two inspections were completed. Both passed. One we couldn’t go the whole way through. We might need a more rigid camera.
·         Discussion regarding Simms property renovation.
·         No new update on Marburger subdivision progress.
·         Discussion regarding vinyl lettering for truck.
·         Discussion regarding getting truck undercoating.
·         Looking into spare valve for under the actuator, airline one.

Motion by Ed Tanski to approve purchase of gas detector and pump.
Seconded by Vito Pilosi, III. Unanimously approved.
Personnel Update:
§  Mark Nasky will be starting as a full time Authority employee on April 3rd, 2017.
§  The Borough will still be able to call on him in emergency snow removal situations.

Motion by Ed Tanski to approve the hiring of Mark Nasky as a full time Authority employee, starting at $22.00 per hour, full benefits, and two weeks paid vacation. Seconded by Joe Weltner. Unanimously approved.

Engineering Report:  Chad Hanley and Kiana Tralongo
·         HRG has completed the Chapter 94 report and presents for signature.
·         NPEDS permit expires next February. Application is due in September 2017.

Solicitor Report: Philip Lope, Esq. – No additional report.

Motion to adjourn by Ed Tanski. Seconded by Joe Weltner. Unanimously approved.

Meeting adjourned to Executive Session at 7:35 p.m.