Wednesday, August 17, 2022

August 17, 2022 ECWSA Meeting Minutes

 Call to order: The meeting was called to order by Ed Tanski at 6:00 p.m.

·         Members present; Ed Tanski, Vito Pilosi, III, Bob Dugan, Gary Nicklas, and Joe Weltner

·         Others present: Chris Reese, Esq., Mark Smith, HRG, and Laura Kamienski.


Public Session:  This meeting was open to the public.


·         Mark O’Conner – Abandoned tap and new tap fee at Margaret Avenue Property.


Review of minutes from July 20th, 2022


Motion by Bob Dugan to approve July 20th, 2022, minutes as presented.

Seconded by Gary Nicklas. Unanimously approved.


Chairman’s Report:  Ed Tanski



Committees: No reports.


Budget Report:


Motion by Vito Pilosi, III to approve the budget report as presented.

Seconded by Bob Dugan. Unanimously approved.


Accounts Payable:


Motion by Vito Pilosi, III to approve accounts payable as presented.

Seconded by Bob Dugan. Unanimously approved.




Motion by Vito Pilosi, III to approve monthly transfers as amended.

Seconded by Bob Dugan. Unanimously approved.

08-17-2022 OFFICE REPORT: Laura Kamienski



·         There was $477.29 in late charges generated on August 1st, 2022. Delinquent notices are scheduled for tomorrow.


We billed $171,672.61 EC BORO & $13,698.20 CALLERY BOR0 JULY 2022 BILLING

TOTAL $185,370.81

Discussion, Updates & Action Items:

·         Delinquent accounts termination procedures.


Current Procedure

LATE CHARGES: Payment must be received by the last business day of the month, regardless of its postmark or the date you authorized payment. There is no grace period after the due date. No reminders will be sent. A late penalty of .8334% will be applied to all unpaid balances on the 1st day of each month.

NOTICE OF SERVICE TERMINATION: If we have not received payment within 35 days, we will issue a service termination notice. This notice will indicate the date scheduled for service termination and payment instructions. Termination notices will be mailed on or about the 15th of each month. A $12.50 notice fee will be added to the account.

FINAL / DOOR NOTICE OF SERVICE TERMINATION: If payment isn’t received by date specified on the delinquent notice, a door notice of impending service termination will be placed at least 24 hours prior to service termination. A $15.00 door notice posting fee will be added to the account.

SERVICE TERMINATION: If the account balance is still unpaid by the scheduled termination date, a work order for service termination is generated to terminate service. Once service has been terminated a door tag will be placed on the home or business announcing that service has been terminated and an additional $60.00 fee will be added to the account. A $25.00 administration fee will be added each subsequent billing cycle until service is restored.

SERVICE RESTORATION:  Payment of account balance in full must be paid in order to restore service. Service will not be restored on the same day as termination. There is an additional $75.00 service call fee to restore service after hours or on weekends.

·         ECWSA employee medical plan renewal.

·         Tap fees and customer responsibilities.

                                                                                                                                                 Operations Report: Martin Fabian – No report.


Engineering Report: Mark Smith, HRG

§  Callery Pump Station project update.

§  Discussion regarding the generator at Callery lift station and the proposal by Emergency Management Agency to exchange it with a generator they have.


Motion by Ed Tanski to exchange and donate the generator at lift station with proposed generator from Emergency Management Agency. Seconded by Bob Dugan. Unanimously approved.


§  Discussion regarding Marburger Dairy failure to send samples as per industrial user agreement. Samples were taken by ECWSA. Levels were extremely above limits.

§  Discussion regarding Callery Rate Study Proposal Phase A, which maintains current rate structure. Phase B would include a proposed rate structure change.


Motion by Vito Pilosi, III to approve HRG Callery Rate Study Phase A as presented.  

Seconded by Joe Weltner. Unanimously approved.


·         Discussion regarding proposed Dollar General on Mars-Evans City Road. HRG sent capacity letter and grinder pump requirement.

·         Havenwood/Maplewood project update. New set of plans have been received by HRG.

·         Cross Connection – Backflow Prevention Program update.

Solicitor’s Report:  Chris Reese, Esq. – No report.

Motion to adjourn by Bob Dugan. Seconded by Gary Nicklas. Unanimously approved.

Meeting adjourned at 7:25 p.m.