Wednesday, March 27, 2013


MARCH 27, 2013

Call to order: The meeting was called to order by Chairman, Timothy Schoeffel at 6:00 o’clock p.m. Members present: Vito Pilosi, Joe Weltner, Ed Tanski, Dan Dow – HRG, Nadine Grabe, Borough Secretary and Philip P. Lope, Solicitor.

1. Minutes:
The Minutes of the February 27, 2013 meeting and the Special Meeting of March 13, 2013 were approved as presented.

2. Communications:
A request was submitted by Andrew Davis for a water and sewer tap for Lot 4 in the Evans City Heights Plan, Van Buren Street Extension. On motion duly made, seconded and carried the request for the taps was approved.

3. Chairman’s Report:
Tim Schoeffel reported the following:

  • A request for additional information from PNC Underwriters was received and will be responded to.
  • Adrienne Vicari requested information and provided an analysis regarding the debt service reserve fund. See her report of March 27, 2013 that is attached. The board will consider the request and take action at the next meeting.
  • There was discussion of a work session by the Authority before the next meeting.
  • On motion duly made, seconded and carried the Chairman was authorized to execute the PNC Disclosure correspondence.
  •  Vito Pilosi asked the question of Nadine what is the delinquency rate? She is going to provide information to Vito so that this question can be answered.

4. Committees:


  • The Authority discussed the transfer of funds from the sewer line replacement account to the checking account to cover the Pennvest payment. It was decided by the Authority that funds could be transferred from this account to meet short term cash needs of the Authority. Nadinewill advise when the transfers should be made and the Chairman and Treasurer will authorize the same.
  •  The shut off procedure was discussed with Nadine. The question was raised what can we do to get notices out on time? There was an extended discussion with Nadine regarding her tasks, duties and communications with the Authority. It was decided that rather than establish a procedure at this point we would wait and see what the new software was capable of and then develop a procedure from there.

5. Public Works Report:
Norm Nelson was not present at the meeting, but submitted a report indicating the Scott water line was repaired and that four meters have been replaced

6. Solicitors Report:
The solicitor reported that the Intermunicipal Agreement with Cranberry Township was executed by Cranberry Township. On motion duly made, seconded and unanimously carried the document was executed by the Chairman of the Authority.
The solicitor received and recorded the deed for the Mangurten property and delivered the recorded deed to Nadine for safe-keeping with the Authority’s records.
The solicitor received the deed from the Borough for the several properties where the water and sewer facilities are located and he will record the same.

7. Engineer’s Report:
Dan Dow reported that he met with DEP who raised questions regarding the joint permit. Dan will respond and provide the information requested. Dan also advised that the CDBG application will be submitted. A 50% response is required for the area intended to benefit from CDBG funds and Dan is pursuing this.
The consulting engineer’s report of March 27, 2013 is attached.

8. Executive Session:
At 8:00 p.m. the Authority went into Executive Session to discuss potential litigation and personnel issues.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:41 p.m.
Philip P. Lope, Acting Secretary