Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Evans City Water and Sewer Authority Meeting
28 August 2013 

1.      Call to order:
·        The meeting was called to order by Chairman Tim Schoeffel at 6:04 pm.
·        Members present:
Tim Schoeffel,  Vito Pilosi,  Joe Weltner, Cheri Deener,  Ed Tanski,  Josh Gunnott-HRG,  Norm Nelson-Public Works Director, Nadine Grabe-Borough Secretary,  Philip P. Lope-Solicitor,  Laura Kamienski- Administrative Assistant
·        Others present: Lisa Chiesa, Esq. - Clark, Hill, Thorp and Reed, Sharon Gaffel and Mike Zubasic - PNC Bank.

2.     Minutes:
Motion to approve minutes from the July 31 & August 7, 2013 meeting by Ed Tanski:
Seconded by Joe Weltner.  Unanimously approved as presented.

3.      Public Session: There were no comments made by the public.

4.     Review Bills & Past Due Accounts:
·        Norm Nelson discussed Dalton bill review.
·        The Authority would like to have all relevant accounting reports e-mailed in PDF form prior to meetings.
·        Tim Schoeffel requests a monthly PA American Water usage report from Norm Nelson.

Motion by Ed Tanski to approve payment of bills and sign checks. Seconded by Joe Weltner.
Unanimously approved.

5.     General Discussion:
·        Bank account balances and transfer report by Vito Pilosi.
·        Discussion of monies owed to the Authority from the Borough.
·        Tim Schoeffel requested that Ed Tanski ask for an invoice from the Finance Committee for monies the Authority owes the Borough for shared expenses.

6.     Maintenance Report:  Norm Nelson
·        Norm Nelson has scheduled a meeting with BASF to review sales agreement structure.
·        The gas line to the lift station has been shut off. Recommendation to switch over to propane, which is less expensive.  Norm is checking into propane companies.
·        Discussion regarding sale of bulk water to Borough. Looking into getting a metered fire hydrant. HRG and Norm Nelson will be checking into whether this is possible.

7.     Engineer’s Report:  Josh Gunnett, HRG
·        Discussion of waiver for kits containing some foreign parts.
·        Request approval of construction bid dates for the remainder of the plant construction project.
Motion by Vito Pilosi to authorize HRG to advertise for bids
 of the construction portion of the new sewer plant project.
 Seconded by Ed Tanski. Unanimously approved.

8.      Bond Report: Lisa Chiesa, Esq.- Clark, Hill, Thorp and Reed, Sharon Gaffel and Mike Zubasic - PNC Bank
·        General discussion regarding recent interest rate increases and projection for possible market fluctuations.
·        There is no new information regarding the bond insurance issue.
·        The Authority will need to fund the insurance debt service reserve fund. This fund will earn interest.
·        The Authority will review what the water and sewer rate increases will need to be to meet new interest rates and conditions.
·        Sharon Gaffel is to contact Adrienne Vicari of HRG to review current market and present options.

9.      Decision to reconvene meeting on September 5, 2013 at 5:00 pm

Motion by Cheri Deener to continue meeting on September 5, 2013 at 5:00 p.m.
 Seconded by Vito Pilosi. Unanimously approved.


Reconvened Evans City Water and Sewer Authority Meeting
5 September 2013

1.       Call to Order:
·        Meeting reconvened and called back to order on September 5, 2013 at 5:05 pm by Tim Schoeffel.
·        Members present:
Tim Schoeffel,  Vito Pilosi,  Joe Weltner, Cheri Deener,  Ed Tanski,  Josh Gunnott-HRG,  Norm Nelson-Public Works Director, Nadine Grabe-Borough Secretary,  Philip P. Lope-Solicitor,  Laura Kamienski- Administrative Assistant
·        Others present: Lisa Chiesa, Esq. - Clark, Hill, Thorp and Reed, Sharon Gaffel and Mike Zubasic - PNC Bank.

2.      Public Meeting:  There were no comments made by the public.

3.      Bond Report: Lisa Chiesa, Esq.- Clark, Hill, Thorp and Reed, Sharon Gaffel and Mike Zubasic - PNC Bank
·        Lisa Chiesa asked for clarification regarding having separate water and sewer bank accounts.
·        General discussion regarding current interest rates and market fluctuations.
·        Review of market analysis and bond options prepared by Adrienne Vicari of HRG.
·        Review of budget options presented. General agreement for Option Budget for WWTP upgrade. See attached document.

Motion by Vito Pilosi to approve Option B and to authorize PNC to sell bonds to borrow 8.5 million dollars at their discretion according to market conditions. PNC will contact the Authority before final sale.
 Seconded by Ed Tanski. Unanimously approved.

4.      Engineering Report: Dan Dow, HRG
·        Discussion of foreign kit parts waiver.
·        A resolution was passed by the Borough Council authorizing the Water and Sewer Authority to fix rates.
·        Discussion of using a collection service to collect monies from delinquent accounts. We can submit accounts from 2009 forward.
·        The collection company also offers on line bill payment option.

Motion by Tim Schoeffel to adjourn. Seconded by Vito Pilosi. Unanimously approved.

Attachments: Option B Budget for WWTP Project

Minutes Prepared by Laura Kamienski
Cc Tim Schoeffel, Vito Pilosi, Ed Tanski, Joe Weltner, Cheri Deener,
Norm Nelson, Nadine Grabe, and Philip Lope.