Wednesday, December 18, 2013


Evans City Water and Sewer Authority Meeting
18 December 2013          

·         Call to order: The meeting was called to order by Chairman Tim Schoffel at 6:05 pm.
·         Members present: Tim Schoeffel, Vito Pilosi Joe Weltner, Ed Tanski, Cheri Deener,
·         Others present: Dan Dow, Philip Lope, Attorney, HRG, Nadine Grabe, Borough Secretary, Laura Kamienski, Administrative Assistant, Lisa Chiesa, Clark, Hill, Thorp, Reed & Armstrong                 

·         Public Session: This meeting was open to the public.  

·         Presentation – Lisa Chiesa
·         Discussion of invoice issue from the original bond.
·         Refunding balance owed on fees.           

·         Minutes: Review of minutes from November 20, 2013.

Motion by Joe Weltner to approve November 20, 2013 minutes as corrected.
Seconded by Vito Pilosi.  Unanimously approved.

·         Review Bills & Past Due Accounts
·         Discussion regarding Herbert, Rowland & Grubic reimbursement.
·         Review of DEP fine.
·         Discussion about future electricity costs at the new WWTP as compared to current plant.

Motion by Vito Pilosi to approve bills as presented.
 Seconded by Ed Tanski. Unanimously approved.

·         Administrative Report
·         New postcard format for past due and service termination notices, compatible with Fund Balance software.

Motion by Cheri Deener to approve order
for Late and Service Termination notices postcards.
Seconded by Vito Pilosi. Unanimously approved.

·         Review of letter to rental property owners.
·         Discussion of basic rates for vacant properties.

Motion by Cheri Deener to approve and mail
 property owner letters as amended.
Seconded by Vito Pilosi. Unanimously approved.

·         Solicitor’s Report: Philip Lope
·         Industrial user agreement discussion.
·         Discussion regarding scheduled meeting with Judge Yeager regarding Callery Borough.

·         Engineering Report: Dan Dow, HRG
·         Bulk water permit progress.
·         DEP management plan submission.
·         Certified operator circuit rider.
·         WWTP – Meeting January 9, 2014 9:00 a.m. Reserve room.
·         Penn Ohio has accepted agreements 1308, 1309 & 1310.
·         Discussion regarding payment approval for contract 1307 payment #1 - $27,537.50.

Motion by Ed Cheri Deener to approve payment #1 for contract 1307.
Second by Joe Weltner. Unanimously accepted.

·         Discussion regarding Mid Atlantic contract 1307 change order #2 to relocate lateral sewer main.

Motion by Vito Pilosi to approve change order #2 to contract 1307,
 not to exceed $13,000.00 (final total to be updated)
Seconded by Ed Tanski.  Unanimously approved.

·         Discussion of payment for Jackson Township building permit application for SPR tanks, $5,816.50.

Motion by Vito Pilosi to approve payment for Jackson Township Building Permit. Seconded by Ed Tanski.  Unanimously approved.

·         Discussion regarding Penn Ohio negotiation leading to change order request #1 including wiring change (copper to aluminum) and power generator (600 KW to 500 KW.)
·         Discussion concerning the handling of change orders due to possibility of timeliness. Can the construction committee approve them if necessary?

Motion by Cheri Deener to allow the Construction Committee to make change order provisions up to $15,000.oo, with final approval for payment by the board.
Seconded by Joe Weltner. Unanimously approved.

·         Budget Report
·         Review of 2014 budget information.
·         Need to purchase separate property insurance for ECWSA.
·         Discussion regarding water rate changes. The last rate increase was in 2002.
·         Need infrastructure improvement plan.

Motion to adjourn to closed session by Vito Pilosi.
Seconded by Cheri Deener. Unanimously approved.

Meeting adjourned 8:24 p.m.

Minutes Prepared by Laura Kamienski
Cc Tim Schoeffel, Vito Pilosi, Ed Tankski, Joe Weltner, Cheri Deener,  Nadine Grabe and Philip Lope.