Evans City Water and Sewer Authority Meeting
24 September 2014
Call to order: The meeting was called to
order by Chairman, Tim Schoeffel at 6:05 p.m.
present: Tim Schoeffel, Vito Pilosi, Ed Tanski, and Joe Weltner.
present: Philip Lope, Esquire. Kevin Wilmot, HRG. Laura Kamienski, Office
Manager. Andrew Schultheis, Media Post.
Public Session: This meeting was open to the public.
Presentation: Mr. Andrew Schultheis, Media Post
and discussion regarding video documentation of new sewer plant operations
training and procedures.
Minutes: Review of
minutes from August 27, 2014.
by Vito Pilosi to approve August 27, 2014 minutes as presented.
by Ed Tanski. Unanimously approved.
BASF – The agreement is being reviewed by legal department.
Chairman’s Report:
No report
Review Bills & Past Due Accounts:
is working with the Borough on new calculations for shared expenses.
of invoice status report and check status report.
üDiscussion regarding HRG charges.
üDiscussion regarding Forward Township
engineering costs and projections.
üReview ECWSA accounts payable-accounts
receivable comparison report.
by Joe Weltner to pay bills as presented.
by Ed Tanski. Unanimously approved.
üDiscussion regarding HRG projections and
budgeting for 2015.
üBudget meeting scheduled for October 2nd.
Rules & Regulations: No
Accounts & Transactions:
üDiscussion regarding Gabrielle Young past
due account, shut off notice, and request for payment plan.
üAuthority denied payment plan request.
Responsibility falls on property owner to make payment arrangements with
üLaura Kamienski directed by authority to
contact property owner regarding shut off.
üDiscussion regarding status of Dayne
Long’s delinquent account.
New Sewer Plant Project:
üNext project meeting scheduled for
October 1st.
Cooperation Committee: No
Forward Township:
üHRG meeting with Forward Township to
review proposal.
üDiscussion regarding possible billing
üForward Township is looking to establish
sewer service sometime in 2015.
Website / Public Relations:
üDiscussion regarding the possibility of
an open house upon completion of the new sewer plant.
üDiscussion regarding sign for office.
Presentation of proposal and designs from Sign Innovations.
by Vito Pilosi to approve sign design A from Sign Innovations at $575.00. The
Authority will take care of the installation.
by Joe Weltner. Unanimously approved.
Callery Borough:
regarding letter from Callery requesting detailed information about sewer tap
in fees.
concerning Act 57 tap calculation study and whether a new one is needed.
by Vito Pilosi to approve the 2015 Callery Earth Science
rates presented by Adrienne Vicari of HRG.
by Joe Weltner. Unanimously approved.
Administrative Report: Laura Kamienski
Review Past Due Accounts
ü64 Shut off notices were sent on 09-15
against July’s billing. Shut offs are scheduled for 09-25-2014.
ü$3,287.43 in late charges were generated
on September 1st
üThere were 11 payments made via eNETPAY
since the last meeting.
üTotal aged receivables $81,021.99 of
which $66,162.44 is Callery Borough’s outstanding balance.
üWe received settlement payment from First
States collection on the Volz account.
of the electric accounts have been reestablished in the Authority’s name. After
receiving our first bills Frank Oricco from Premier can provide us with a new
quotation on electricity.
law compliance posters can be printed from web site and posted.
to provide security badges for employees.
One Call membership agreement for signature.
regarding the history of the purchase of the Authority and the water plant. The
water plant was originally included in the purchase price. During negotiations
it was decided that the Borough would retain the water plant, but no
adjustments were made to the purchase price. The discrepancy in the valuation
and purchase agreement means that we are paying the higher cost without
obtaining the assets. The Borough needed this arrangement to balance their
budget and the Authority agreed. Because of this there will be an explanation
statement included our upcoming valuations.
Public Works Director Report: Tim
were two water main brakes this month. One on Belle Avenue and one on Wahl
community help we have been painting the fire hydrants.
regarding repair on a sewer manhole cover by the creek. The crew has re-shored
it up. Any creek flooding was flowing into the manhole.
a new 2” pump for the sewer plant. The cost was approximately $500.00
generator is too small to handle the Callery Lift Station. Credit application
provided for signature for generator rental.
Solicitor’s Report:
on Pennvest loan transfer. Closing expected in November.
Engineering Report: Kevin Wilmot, HRG.
regarding waterline relocation. Need to sign an electric documents release
request. The Authority will need to pass a resolution to request reimbursement
from PennDOT.
by Tim Schoeffel to sign request application for release of
documents to HRG. Seconded by Joe Weltner. Unanimously approved.
about running an emergency interconnect waterline with Adams Township. Need to
confirm distances. The line could be run under the PennDOT reimbursement
project and would reduce costs. This line could be installed with a check valve
and bypass to serve the Marburger Dairy protecting the culvert.
WWTP Project Bond Requisition #10
üContract 13-05, Trojan application for payment
#1 - $161,250.00
üContract 13-06, Centrisys application for
payment #2 - $294,000.00
üContract 13-08, Pipeline application for
payment #7 - $242,604.00
üContract 13-09, Reno Bros. application
for payment #2 - $9339.34
üContract 13-10, Penn-Ohio application for
payment #4 - $140,392.45
üTotal for Bond Requisition #10 ( which
includes, HRG Project Invoice 100581 $20,701.46) - $868,287.25
Motion by Vito Pilosi to approve payments
as listed for a total of $868,287.25 Bond Requisition #10. Seconded by Joe
Weltner. Unanimously approved.
Order Schedule: Project delays due to Mid Atlantic. Discussion regarding new
time line. A request for extension is needed.
whether to put Mid Atlantic’s bonding company on notice regarding the delays.
for HRG to put Mid Atlantic’s bond company on notice.
by Joe Weltner. Unanimously approved.
recommends asking for an official extension on the WWTP project. Mid Atlantic’s
delay means that we cannot meet the original deadline. Their substantial
completion deadline is about two months out.
regarding how long of an extension to request. Need to figure out how much
Mid-Atlantic’s delay will affect other contractors.
will need to be discussed at the next project meeting.
by Ed Tanski to authorize Tim Schoeffel to determine how much of an extension is
needed on the D.E.P order based on the information gathered at the next project
meeting. Seconded by Vito Pilosi.
Unanimously approved.
is modifying the proposed agreement to satisfy their legal department.
impact: Accepting $6000.00 payment verses $15,000.00 will significantly
increase customer rates for 2015.
rates will need to be put into place on January 1, 2015. Customers will need to
be notified.
new sewer retail rates will need to be voted on at the next meeting.
of Financial Services proposal from HRG.
by Vito Pilosi to accept HRG’s proposal for financial services for the 2014
Consulting Engineers Annual Report for the bond for an estimated fee of
by Ed Tanski. Unanimously approved.
Motion to move to closed session by Tim
Seconded by Vito Pilosi. Unanimously
Moved to closed session 8:55 p.m.
Return from closed session at 9:15 p.m.
by Tim Schoeffel. Unanimously approved.
Motion to adjourn by Ed Tanski.
Seconded by Joe Weltner. Unanimously approved.
Meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m.
Prepared by Laura Kamienski
Tim Schoeffel, Vito Pilosi, Ed Tanski, Joe Weltner, Cheri Deener, and Philip Lope