Wednesday, January 28, 2015


Evans City Water and Sewer Authority Meeting
17 December 2014

·         Call to order: The meeting was called to order by Chairman, Tim Schoeffel at 6:03 p.m.
·         Members present: Tim Schoeffel, Ed Tanski, Cheri Deener, and Joe Weltner.
·         Others present: Philip Lope, Esquire, Norman Nelson, Public Works Director, Chad Hanley, HRG. Laura Kamienski, Office Manager.

·         Public Session: This meeting was open to the public. 
§  Audrey Watson: Discussion regarding past due account notices, billing and late charges.

·         Presentation: Ben Jamieson, Northwest Bank
§  Presentation outlining services and programs available through Northwest Bank.

·         Minutes: Review of minutes from November 19, 2014.

Motion by Ed Tanski to approve November 2014 minutes as presented.
Seconded by Joe Weltner.  Unanimously approved.
·         Chairman’s Report:
§  We received a very nice letter from a customer thanking Tim Schoeffel for his informative articles in the most recent newsletter.

·         Review Bills & Past Due Accounts
§  Review of accounts payable.
ØDiscussion regarding generator fuel bill.
Motion by Ed Tanski to pay bills as presented.
Seconded by Cheri Deener. Unanimously approved.

·         Committees
§  Rules & Regulations:
ØTim Schoeffel to get with Chad Hanley of HRG to work on in the spring.
§  Budget: No Report
§  Accounts & Transactions: No Report
§  New Sewer Plant Project:
ØTim Schoeffel and Ed Tanski have been checking in regularly on the progress of construction.
ØThe project is still being held up by Mid-Atlantic. We won’t be meeting the original deadline for startup.
ØA request for an extension has been filed with the Department of Environmental Protection.
§  Cooperation Committee: No report.
§  Forward Township Committee: No Report
ØStill waiting for final changes from BASF.
§  Website / Public Relations:
ØThe December 2014 Newsletter is posted on the website and newsletter site.

·         Callery Borough:
§  Phil Lope has filed the complaint. A hearing is scheduled for March 6th, 2015 at 9:00 a.m.
§  Tap in fees study has been completed. Phil Lope sending letter to Callery outlining the results.

·         Administrative Report: Laura Kamienski
·         There was $3,273.22 in 6% late charges generated on December 1st.
·         Sent out 86 Delinquent Account Notices on 12-11-2014 against the October billing. 
·         Shut offs are scheduled for 12-22-2014.  As of today 48 accounts are still delinquent totaling  $8,356.81
·         There were 16 payments via eNETPAY since the last meeting.

Ø  Aged Receivables (Less Callery Borough) Total = $50,172.68
Ø  Callery Total = $41,125.08
Ø  Total Aged Receivables = $91,297.76

·         Discussion regarding policy and procedures for filing liens on properties. Will be added to Rules and Regulations.
·         Discussion regarding responsibility of Pennvest loan transfer charges.  Phil Lope will discuss with Mike Gallagher.
·         Discussion regarding changing accounts to Northwest Bank.
·         Discussion of proposal for new drop box to replace existing.
Motion by Cheri Deener to replace the existing drop box with the proposed model.
 Seconded by Tim Schoeffel. Unanimously approved.

·         Discussion regarding payments being made to the Borough Office.
Ø  Letter to be sent to customers still sending payments to the Borough.
·         Billing forms have been updated to reflect the new billing codes and rates.
·         2014 Commercial Customer EDU rates have been calculated.

·         Public Works Director Report: Norman Nelson
§  There were five water line breaks.
§  Mark Nasky and Norm Nelson passed the distribution licensing testing..

·         Solicitor’s Report: Philip Lope
§  Biggs lien has been filed
§  January 9th closing date for the Pennvest loan.
§  Discussion regarding how the purchase of asset from the Borough was calculated.
ØThe amount was arrived at according to what the Borough needs to balance the budget.
ØThis amount can be discussed and renegotiated with the Cooperation Committee.

·         Engineering Report: Brad Elder, HRG
§  Waterline Relocation Project Update:
ØScope is approximately 250 feet of replacement waterline.
ØDesign layout requires a temporary waterline during the culvert installation.
ØHRG to submit plans and drawings by the end of December 2014.
§  Breakneck Creek Waterline Joint Separation:
Ø8” cast iron waterline separated within the creek bed.
ØHRG has inspected the issue and discussed with Norm Nelson.
ØReview and discussion of possible alternates to the existing waterline.

Motion by Ed Tanski to authorize Chad Henley to conduct a field survey for the Breakneck Creek waterline bypass project. Seconded by Joe Weltner. Unanimously approved. 

§  WWTP Project Bond Requisition #13:
ØContract 13-03, John Meunier, Inc. application for payment #2 - $71,955.00
ØContract 13-08, Pipeline application for payment #10 - $191,477.25
ØContract 13-09, Reno Bros. application for payment #4 - $ 65,786.77
ØContract 13-10 Penn-Ohio application for payment #7 - $155,983.48
ØTotal for Bond Requisition #13 (which includes HRG invoice 102126 for $20,284.04) - $505,486.54

Motion by Ed Tanski to approve Bond Requisition #13 payments as outlined.
Seconded by Joe Weltner. Unanimously approved.

§  WWTP Project Change Orders
ØContract 13-01, Kappe Associates, Change Order #1 – ($ 2,795.65)
§  Change in guiderails.

Motion by Ed Tanski to approve Contract 13-01,Kappe Associates Change Order #1.
Seconded by Cheri Deener. Unanimously Approved.

ØContract 13-08, Pipeline Systems, Change Order #2 – ($     223.26)
§  Deduct for wet wells and safety shower. Increase for guiderails.

Motion by Ed Tanski to approve Contract 13-08, Pipeline Systems Change Order #2.
Seconded by Cheri Deener. Unanimously Approved.

ØContract 13-08, Pipeline Systems, Change Order #3 – $ 0.00 (Increase Substantial Completion by 16 Days.)

Motion by Ed Tanski to approve Contract 13-08, Pipeline Systems Change Order #3.
Seconded by Joe Weltner. Unanimously Approved.

ØContract 13-09, Reno Bros, Change Order #2 – ($  394.00)
§  Elimination of a lab sink.

Motion by Cheri Deener to approve Contract 13-09, Reno Bros Change Order #2
Seconded by Ed Tanski. Unanimously Approved.

ØContract 13-10, Penn-Ohio Change Order #2 – $ 10,378.00
§  Addition of 3 safety disconnects for effluent pumps.

Motion by Ed Tanski to approve Penn-Ohio contract 13-10 Change Order #2.
Seconded by Joe Weltner. Unanimously approved.

·         Callery:
§  Callery’s meter calibration has been inspected by HRG and Callery’s engineer.
§  Callery’s engineer has requested raw data and more detailed information.
·         Water & Sewer Rate Studies:
§  Discussion regarding final draft of the sewer & water rate study.
·         CEAR Report:
§  The Consulting Engineer’s Annual Report is complete.
·         Water Tapping Fee Study:
§  Based on the interest method approach HRG determined a maximum water tapping fee of $1,868.26.
§  Philip Lope to draw up resolution for next meeting.
·         Sewer Tapping Fee Study:
§  Based on the interest method approach HRG determine a maximum sewer tapping fee of $1,186.00.
§  Since the sewer tapping fee is based entirely on Collection and does not have a Capacity part, Callery Borough will not be charged a tapping fee for customers tapping directly into their system. This will be reviewed as the Authority’s equity in the system increases.
§  Philip Lope to draw up resolution for next meeting.

Motion to adjourn to closed session by Cheri Deener. Seconded by Ed Tanski. Unanimously approved.

 Meeting adjourned to closed session 9:15 p.m.

Minutes Prepared by Laura Kamienski

Cc Tim Schoeffel,  Vito Pilosi,  Ed Tanski,  Joe Weltner,  Cheri Deener,  and Philip Lope