Wednesday, April 21, 2021

April 21, 2021 ECWSA Meeting Minutes


 Evans City Water and Sewer Authority Meeting

April 21, 2021

Call to order: The meeting was called to order by Ed Tanski at 6:05 p.m.

·         Members present; Ed Tanski, Joe Weltner, Vito Pilosi, III, Bob Dugan, Tim Green, and Gary Nicklas.

·         Others present: Philip Lope, Esq., Mark Smith, HRG, Michael Kirin. Laura Kamienski (remotely.)

Public Session:  This meeting was open to the public.

Chris Rearick, Jackson Township Manager: Discussion regarding a partnership between Jackson Township Authority and ECWSA to provide water service to the Franklin Road area in Jackson Township.

Review of minutes from March 17, 2020:

Motion by Vito Pilosi, III to approve March 17th, 2020 minutes as amended.

Seconded by Bob Dugan. Unanimously approved.

Chairman’s Report:  Ed Tanski – No report


Committees: No reports.


Bills / Budget / Accounts Payable:


Motion by Vito Pilosi, III to approve bill payments, accounts payable, and transfers as presented.

Seconded by Bob Dugan. Unanimously approved.


OFFICE REPORT: Laura Kamienski



·         There was $316.75 in late charges generated on April 1st, 2021.  70 delinquent notices were sent on 04-15-2021. Door notices are scheduled for next week.


WE BILLED $163,739.62 EC BORO & $13,075.34 CALLERY BOR0 MARCH 2021 BILLING TOTAL $176,814.96.


Action Items:

·         Review budget, billing, transfers, and aging report. (Revised budget reports for 12-2020 thru 02-2021 are included in the packet.)

Discussion/Action Items:

·         All requested items have been submitted to the auditors. They are working on completion and draft reports.

·         The bank accounts have caught up with the project, so I’ve included transfers to replenish the emergency transfers previously made.

·         MECR Pennvest Revised Requisition 8 and new Requisition 9 need to be approved.

·         Quickbooks 2021:

ü  Staples has a sale at $199.99. Not sure how long it will last. Regular price is $399.99.


Motion by Bob Dugan to approve updating the current Quickbooks to Quickbooks 2021 at a cost of $199.99, not to exceed $210.00. Seconded by Gary Nicklas. Unanimously approved.


·         There is no Water Usage Report as we have not received the PA American Statement yet.

·         The MECR Project video has been posted to our website and our Facebook page. Great Job HRG!

·         I sent a link to all for the water loss seminar I attended. I highly recommend that everyone to look at it. While I am at the end of the chain of the process, the video focuses on the beginning and middle of the process.


Mars-Evans City Road Waterline Replacement Project: REVISION to Requisition 8 Summary














Interest on previously dispersed amounts








Mars-Evans City Road Waterline Replacement Project: Requisition 9 Summary














                   Interest on previously dispersed amounts







Motion by Bob Dugan to approve the Administrative Report. Seconded by Gary Nicklas. Unanimously approved.

Operations Report: Michael Kirin

·         No violations. Hard copy report submitted due to DEP log in issues.

·         Completed 4 inspections. 3 failed due to roots and separation.

·         Looking into a new sewer chemical company for better pricing and containers.

·         Discussion regarding damage to a tree by Mortimers.

·         Discussion regarding meter sheet work orders progress.


Engineering Report: Mark Smith, HRG

·         Report back regarding flow test for Havenwood / Maplewood Development project.



·         Original project has been completed. Yard restoration is in progress.

·         Change Order #6 – Including: additional valve work and exercising valves, plus sanitary repairs.


Motion by Vito Pilosi, III to authorize Ed Tanski to sign Mars Evans City Road Change Order #6 at $39,431.78 as presented.  Seconded by Bob Dugan. Unanimously approved.


·         Discussion regarding allocation of remaining project funds. Operations requests a 10” isolation valve on main line from the PA American connection, which is now 3500’. Would be beneficial to cut that distance in half.

·         Discussion regarding capping line at Pioneer Road and near Evans City School where there is now a valve.


Motion by Gary Nicklas to permit Mark Smith, HRG to proceed with getting estimates to install a valve and cap line as discussed.  Seconded by Bob Dugan. Unanimously approved.


·         ECWSA staff needs to paint all the valves prior to GIS survey.


Motion by Gary Nicklas to approve PennVest Requisition #9 as presented at $52,251.41.

Seconded by Vito Pilosi, III. Unanimously approved.


·         Discussion regarding preliminary steps with DEP toward Callery Pump Station Planning.


Motion by Gary Nicklas to proceed with preliminary DEP and Exemption letters as presented.

Seconded by Tim Green Unanimously approved.


·         Review of Byrnes & Kiefer sampling review. Surcharge of $450.00 to be sent.


Solicitor’s Report:  No report.

·         Sale of Massey Ferguson is within the new guidelines. No further action required.

·         No response to letter to Zoelle.

Meeting moved to executive session at 8:02 p.m.


Motion to adjourn by Vito Pilosi, III. Seconded by Gary Nicklas. Unanimously approved.

Meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m.