Special Meeting
Minutes December 21 2021
Meeting called to order 6:00 pm, Dec 21/2021
Present at meeting: Ed Tanski
Vito Palosi
Joe Weltner
Gary Nicholas
Also attending: Mark Smith ( HRG )
Vito opened the discussion of the 2022 ECWSA Budget.
He went through the 2022 budget line by line giving reasons for increases or decreases in each item.
His feelings that the water side of the report looks better than expected because of the water meter
repair and changes of the “ 0 “ read meters plus the more diligent efforts put into making sure
the meter read books are being done correctly.
Also looked over the proposed upgrade and construction of the Callery Lift Station and determined
that there was sufficient funds in the project savings account to continue moving forward with the program.
a motion to accept the budget as presented was given by Vito.......Seconded by Joe....
and approved by all....
There was a discussion connected with the benefit and wage package of the ECWSA staff.
It has been determined that there is sufficient funds in the 2022 budget to support the Health Package and wage proposals.
A motion to accept the package was presented by Joe......Seconded by Gary....
and approved by all.
There was a motion to adjourn the meeting by Ed.......Seconded by Joe....
and motion approved at 6:21 PM...