Tuesday, July 9, 2013


Evans City Water and Sewer Authority Meeting
09 July 2013

1.      Call to order:

·         The meeting was called to order by Chairman Tim Schoffel at 6:00 pm.
·         Members present: Tim Schoeffel, Vito Pilosi, Joe Weltner, Ed Tanski, Dan Dow, HRG,  Nadine Grabe, Borough Secretary, Philip P. Lope, Solicitor, Laura Kamienski, Administrative Assistant.
·         Tim Schoeffel introduced Laura Kamienski, new administrative assistant.
·         Tim Schoeffel thanked the members of the Authority for all of their time and effort working toward obtaining a bond from PNC Bank.

2.     Minutes:

Motion to approve minutes from the June 26, 2013 minutes by Ed Tanski:
Seconded by Vito Pilosi.  Unanimously approved as presented.

3.     Public Session: This meeting was open to the public.

PNC Bank Presentation:

·         Tim Schoeffel introduced Sharon Gaffel and Mike Zubasic from PNC Bank.
·         Conference call with analysts from Standards & Poor to take place on Thursday July 11, 2013 at 10:00 am.
·         Call Participants: Tim Schoeffel - Water and Sewer Authority representative. Ed Tanski – Borough representative. Nadine Grabe – Available to answer questions. Dan Dow, HRG.
·         Discussion regarding information needed for conference call. Topics to include:
1.       Future projections
2.      Background and history of the Water and Sewer Authority
3.      Customer base profile
4.      General area economic profile
5.      Etc.
·         Past bank transfers to general account from the Water and Sewer Authority are for an asset purchase when the Authority was formed.
·         The Authority will need a separate audit for 2013 – Cypher & Cypher.
·         Bond is slated for 20 year loan. Authority to consider extending to 25-30 depending on the monthly payment.
·         Need to revise businesses listed in area profile to include Evans City Elementary, Marburger Dairy, H.P. Star Lumber etc..

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1.      Water Rate Analysis by Adrienne, HRG (Dan Dow, HRG)
·         Discussion about proposed methods to determine sewer rate change.
·         Two options (C1 and C2) were discussed.
·         Main issue is Callery Borough back debt.
·         The Authority set the new rates.

Motion by Ed Tanski to accept Option C1 from HRG effective billing August, 1 2013.
 Seconded by Joe Weltner. Unanimously approved.

2.     Proposal from HRG to provide Construction  Phase & Operational Phase Services (Dan Dow, HRG)
·         Construction Phase: `19,400.00 per month / All inclusive
·         Operations Phase: Based on time and materials
·         Final design has been 90% billed to date.
·         Vito Pilosi asked Dan Dow to provide statement with what has been paid to date.
·         Dan agreed to provide a monthly cost summary sheet.
·         The Authority authorized HRG to do work on the new plant.

Motion by Vito Pilosi to allow HRG to begin Phase A, seconded by Joe Weltner.
Unanimously approved.

Motion by Vito Pilosi to approve Tim Schoeffel to sign the Construction Phase & Operational Phase Services.Ed Panski seconded. Unanimously approved.

3.     Review Bills & Past Due Accounts:
·         No monies were transferred in June.
·         Nadine requested money transfers from savings to checking and Borough to Authority
·         Discussed Tyler Technology bills.
·         Discussion about possible methods to let public know about rate increases.
1.       Swift Alert
2.      Letter
3.      Newspaper advertisement
4.      Web site

Motion by Vito Pilosi to pay all bills from Water & Sewer account
excepting Tyler Technology invoices.

4.     Summary of Norm Nelson, Public Works Director, report was given by Vito Pilosi.

5.     Laura Kamienski - New administrative assistant for the Authority.

Motion by Vito Pilosi to hire Laura Kamienski as a temporary, part-time employee.
Seconded by Ed Weltner. Unanimously approved.

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6.     Close meeting

Motion by Vito to end public meeting and adjourn to a closed session of the
Authority to discuss personnel issues.
Seconded by Joe Weltner. Unanimously approved.

7.     Authority adjourned to closed session 9:00pm

Minutes Prepared by Laura Kamienski
Cc Tom Schoeffel, Vito Pilosi, Ed Tankski, Joe Weltner, Cheri Deener and Philip Lope.
Attachments 1:  Consulting Engineer’s Report

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